Help in Phoenix AZ
Probably an odd question made by an even odder person, but I'm wondering if anyone out in cyberspace knows of any stores or services in the Phoenix AZ area that are good at providing advice and feedback as opposed to just trying to get something out the door. I'm hopeless when it comes to fashion(hence why I'm here), colorblind, and am wanting to get out of wearing whatever's clean and closest and move onto something that actually makes me look good.
4 Replies
That's what we are here for, but it will take time and effort on your part.
A style consultant at a store has the limitations you identified.
And a stylist you pay for advice will probably be either very expensive or not very good
This discord server can help you with advice and feedback. If you need someone in-person I would suggest looking for a personal stylist (check Google reviews etc)
I've got plenty of time and effort. Just a complete lack of sense haha I wear camo/khaki shorts and gamer tshirts for the most part
Yeah just post fits in #styling-suggestions or ask a bunch of questions in #questions-and-advice and go from there
#fashion-guides is alright (basic wardrobe is an ok place to start but don't make that your endgame)