NYC Weekend fits for a bridge troll
I'm taking my wife and her friends to Manhattan for a weekend this summer. I work in a machine shop, my wardrobe is mostly flannels, band shirts and jeans. She's likely to dress very colorful (example attached) and I'd like to do the same in the interest of fun. This is not my normal comfort zone at all, but I'm all for giving it a go and I'd appreciate some help.
Daytime is fairly easy and low key but I'm having a hard time throwing a pop of color into evening stuff, like a nice rooftop bar vibe.
Where can I find fun/colorful but trendyish clothing? Or maybe just inspiration with a shopping list?
ALSO... when I was looking for a photo to upload I found an old picture of my green suede shoes , any idea where I can find similar?

2 Replies
given that you're experimenting with things like color, i would try to do so as cheaply as possible in case you end up hating it so thrift shops, secondhand stores, and ebay are good options
if you're looking for brick and mortar stores, urban outfitters and h&m come to mind (h&m quality control is hit or miss). abercrombie & fitch has interesting stuff but in more neutral colors, which may be easier for you
this topic had a lot of people's personal inspiration for summer, some of it colorful, some of it interesting in other ways
beyond that check out #waywt and ask the user if you're curious about what they're wearing, we're usually great about sharing 👍
Right on, thanks man