why is buying by piece-type a bad idea?
@Ben (GSH) told me in #general-chat that it would be a bad idea to phase out my T-shirts for polos.
I assume the underlying problem will be the "phasing out"... Why is it a better idea to buy outfits instead of categories?
56 Replies
Probably because t shirts and polos are not always interchangeable
The real question here is what are your thoughts on Teddy K?
I think it's a good idea get rid of your tshirts, only children wear tshirts
Basically 99% of polos are really boring and it takes a lot of effort to make them look good - moreso than a t shirt
I think you should become polo shirt guy
Buy one in every color
A good polo with a large collar is unbeatable, like this

Wait you probably already have that saved as inspo
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Teddy GOAT haha
Yeah dude lmao what do you like most about him
seeing that this inspiration board has different types of shirts (some polo, some button down, some sweaters), i would argue against switching out fully to polo shirts
Uhm, afaik that's a fashion discord and not about philosophy thus id refuse to answer 😅
a bigger question would be what about this aesthetic is appealing to you
Well, with phasing out my T-Shirts also I wanted to imply "keeping most of my dress shirts" but adding button downs is on my bucket list
Me with a long sleeve button down polo 😎
I like the formality.
I really dislike wearing jeans to begin with so the natural progression would be chino (or formal pants)
T-shirts are not flattering me. I like the polo to sit a bit snug around my *-ceps
Going to your question: having versatile choices in the garments you own gives you leeway on dress codes, personal style, experimentation.
If you're trying to do a capsule wardrobe you really need to be good at knowing your fashion/dressing needs. It requires self reflection and knowledge, which many people lack. Especially those starting a fashion self improvement journey
You got ceps? That's what's up
Biceps, triceps
I lost some cep's in a card game so I'm down to a unicep, but I know how to dress for it.
Requires strategic gussetting
Ok. Maybe I should buy the basic bastard and combine it with chinos all the way through - to get a beginning
i think that is a good idea but i would check to see if any of your clothes already work within the confines of this initial wardrobe
Back to OP, I don't think it's a good idea to buy "outfits", I think the general idea is to buy things that work well with several other things in your wardrobe
I will always recommend learning to put together an outfit and just seeing how you did before buying things
Yeah, I am indexing my current wardrobe to then throw out all stuff that's not matching
Just put on clothes and try to make it work, then you actually figure out what you’re missing
Checklist purchasing is how you end up with too much shit you don’t need in the first place
Another good way to cull the wardobe: discard anything not worn in over a year (minus the seasonal stuff)
Stress test your wardrobe, that’s how you find the weak points and the excesses
Then trim and add as you see it
A long time ago I did what you are talking of doing, then I realized I don't like polo shirts all that much. Now I have a bunch of polo's I rarely wear.
So don't do that
You'll still need t shirts for something
Even if it's not just fashion or whatev
I wouldn't call this a polo either, this is a short sleeve camp collar
Or as we in Germany call it "Bus Driver Shirt"

That's one of my better "casual" fits I was wearing in the winter time
But does not translate that well into summer
i think that without the sweater, with the sleeves rolled up some is a reasonable summer fit
and while it's not the ideal picture to determine fit, it also looks like the button down fits well - you might be further along then you realize
Nah dress shirt on its own looks stupid (on me) ocbd would be better there
Paraboot Michaels and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Yeah don't discount the long sleeve shirt rolled up sleeves for summer look. That way the shirt gets dual use in summer and winter
The reverse of short sleeve shirt in winter is not ideal, so it becomes a one season only item
Maybe it's just the way the Uniqlo dress shirts fit.
I need to get some more fitted ones
nah bus drivers don’t rock camp collar shirts; they’ll wear any short sleeved shirt
or at least that’s what is meant by that saying
I rarely ever see true camp collar shirts in Germany
that's a thought
if this is your chosen aesthetic fit will be important
especially if you choose to get the repro stuff in stores now vs actual vintage clothing
I'll make an appointment at out local Charles tyrwitt store
Can you send an example? I have yet to see a summer look with rolled up long sleeve that looks good
I mean, it's just rolling your sleeves up a little
Yea I mean I don’t think I’ve seen it look that great on a summer fit but I loved to be proven wrong
Like it would just look better with a short sleeve or just not rolled up
Same shirt different season, or weather

Oh wait they're both rolled up I'm dumb ha

What pants can you guys recommend for hot days (28°C+)?
We dont have a lot of AC in GER
linen and thin cotton trousers
wide fit trousers are generally better for hotter days
leaves enough room between your skin and the fabric when walking
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Air circulates better too on loose fit
High twist wool is king for heat if you can swing it.
Hey guys, I am trying to formulate a framework for me here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oR9Yrl1MCT65wyrs-wlqoDsw3YU_GBP4dhqRkPUcCGY/edit?usp=sharing
maybe you have some comments on that?
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My Basic Bastard Framework
This sheet framework should help (me) decide what to buy and how much of it.
When any extension is needed, simply copy the sheet and change it to suit your needs.
It is created with an office-work and my taste in mind.
(How often do you want
to wash per week)
Formaliy,Days / Week,Laundry t...
First try, pulling it off ok?