sleep button
Sleep mode works fine if I click it from power option, but the button turns it off, anyway I can make the button to sleep instead?? I have a gpd win 4
15 Replies
That sounds like a bug, tapping the power button should suspend the device. Which GPD win 4 are you using?
And is your bios updated?
Bios are up to date, the 6800u model
hrmm, i'm on the 6800u model too, and tapping the power button suspends for me
i am on an older bazzite version though
since it has old gamescope with working refresh rate + fps controlsOh I might be on the newer version
maybe you could try a rollback. if the power button starts working after rollback, then it'd probably be an hhd regression that should be reported to the hhd dev
How do I preform a rollback??
bazzite-rollback-helper rebase 40-20240427
later, if you want to go back to regular updates
bazzite-rollback-helper rebase stable
Thanks ill give it a try
Sadly that didn't work for me :/
so borked power button then?
check hhd logs
maybe it's failing to grab the power button
Yeah so far power only turns it off vs sleep
hrm, do you have multiple instances of hhd running?
it might be that there's a conflict happening somewhere
notice how the powerbutton plugin was stopped at the bottom
Yeah I see that, I'm not sure how I have multiple hhds
sudo systemctl list-units | grep hhd
there's been a weird bug that sometimes happens where hhd gets enabled incorrectly, leading to bugsAhh I see, once I do that do I reboot