Projects ( runpodctl): How to add registry Auth like docker login
Well how?
8 Replies
@flash-singh can help?
Also how do I add port in serverless using docker less projects
port comes from template, you will need to edit using graphql api
im not sure on this one, i think dockerless doesnt need container image, it auto starts with a base
Which graphql api
Yes and I can modify the file, I want to use my own container image
Is there like a way I can add other files to docker less then?
My handler doesn't come in one file only
@Papa Madiator have you used the tool with private registry?
not rly
Hmm right this continues..
I'll just have to wait a few more hours for support on the site wish me luck
@Papa Madiator also I've reported a broken link on the docs in runpodctl
you know I work at web support too 😄
Oh hey support guy~ pls help my case 🙂
how do i access my open cases in the website
wheres the link again