Cache Reserve billing example typo?
In the docs for Cache Reserve ( is stated that there is a rate of $4.50 / million write requests
But in the example 1 it shows just 1000 writes for the price of $4.50. Am I missing something or is there a typo?

5 Replies
all the billing for both r2 and cache reserve is rounded up to the next quantity for billing purposes
so yes, you would pay $4.50 for either 1000 writes or 999,999
and if you did 1 million and 1, you'd be billed $9
an older example I have from a cache reserve invoice:

CF has said before it's a limitation of their billing system
fwiw it does say it right on that pricing page too, can see it at the bottom of your second screenshot
Oh I see now. Thank you for the explanation. I just got scared as I was double checking the pricing after already incurring over 200k writes in a day and this example confused me a bit.
yea they kind of highlight the reason below it but still a bit confusing