Creating a responsive grid which always maintains the same gap
I'm trying to create a grid, kind of like the iPhone photo library. There's a gap that can never increase. So for responsiveness the items in the grid need to increase in size. How would I achieve this? :)
12 Replies
Don't really understand what it should look like. Can you show a screenshot of what you want?
Sorry, I want the horizontal gap to always be the same as the vertical gap. I set the grid-gap to 0.05rem. So if possible, I want to increase the size of the images or set a max width so that the gap is 0.05rem. :)
Right now, this is my code:
.product-grid {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 0.05rem;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(160px, 1fr));
grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(160px, 1fr));
Thanks, I got it working!
Sorry, one more question :) Would it be possible to always have an uneven amount of columns?
poeh, good one. There's nothing I can think of. Maybe with some really clever maths, nothing standard
(or with a lot of media queries, but that takes away the auto-fill purpose)
Oh, all right, thanks though!
you can do this, but it won't go smaller than 3 cols. so you'll need a media query for smaller widths
here with media query
🙏 Thank you so much, this is great!
no problem, learned something myself too