Personal Zoopedia

So I'm working on my own zoopedia. It has nearly everything the in-game zoopedia has including color mutations, if the animal can climb, swim or deep dive. It also has the rough land, climbing ect requirements for mixed gender groups, and bachelor/lette groups. You can view it here, Make suggestions to what I should add ect. Here or via the comments on the website. If there is a high enough demand I can make it so you can edit it as well. @InsertGamerTagHere @Galen Tagging you lot since you seemed interested.
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Planet Zoo | Notion
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392 Replies
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
Forgot to mention I'll also be adding exhibit floorplans and zoo inspiration. As well as any random information I've learned. Like how to get full stars across the board with zoo tours.
BabyBull296810mo ago
This site is fire, way better than the planet zoo website one
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
Aw thank you 😊 Oh also forgot land, water, ect requirements mixed have the max number of juveniles calculated in. Bachelor and Bachelorette groups have no juveniles calculated in.
SEMBAR10mo ago
That site is amazing, you get lots of detail from it, just if you could add Fahrenheit and Celsius it would be just about perfect
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
Thank you 😊 Ya that wouldn't be a problem Oh I've also added a place for tips/ tricks we've learned about the game. Please feel free to add any you've learned. Via comments and I'll make them official in the pages they correspond to.
SEMBAR10mo ago
Alright thanks
Valkyrja10mo ago
ajnebula received a thank you carrot!
SEMBAR10mo ago
And also some things you could improve some of the words on the side like land required it makes it hard to read with the … next to it and also for the land required on the aardvark it just says 290 and for people new to the game looking at it they probably won’t know if it’s 290m m2 km or km2 so maybe try to fix that but other than that it’s basically amazing and really helpful And also adding a Celsius helps me a lot so I don’t have to figure out what 68 Fahrenheit is in Celsius
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
No problem! Ya even before I shared this I was struggling to figure out a good way to display the land ect requirements. That being said for different distant measurements and C vs F I have a different idea on how to display them. Unfortunately I'm going to class so I can't test any of it 🙃 Glad the F vs C is helping. I'm in the US and would love to convert to metric
SEMBAR10mo ago
Haha all good and yea I’m in AUS and I barely know Fahrenheit so Celsius is so much easier to understand
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
Hehe yay! Ya I've been taking a small enginee repair class, LOVE the metric readings, bolt types, thread gages ect.
SEMBAR10mo ago
Yea I just feel like they are so much easier to understand possibly because I was born with it I mean if someone came up to me and said “it feels like 100 degrees” I would think ummmm that’s a bit hot don’t you think more like 30 degrees which for someone in the US would be cold
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
Exactly like measurements make soo much more sense, and the only reason fahrenheit makes a bit of sense is because I grew up with it.
SEMBAR10mo ago
Yea it does The zoopedia isn’t finished though, right?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
No far from finished. Even when it is. I'll always be open to adding more
SEMBAR10mo ago
Alright I was just making sure because up to the axolotle I couldn’t see the pictures and some of the information on the animals were blank so if it was finished I would’ve told you that
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
Oh ya that, I go in-game first collect the info I can from there. Than get what I can from the wiki. Wanting to go letter by letter so I don't forget an animal. I did forget the California Sea lions already. But a few people suggested I add if the animal can swim, deep dive or climb. So I've been testing and adding that info Oh and adding the Celsius temps
SEMBAR10mo ago
Alright yea that’s smart and I’ve used your zoopedia to see if animals can swim so that’s helped me
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP10mo ago
Yay! Glad to know it's already helped someone
SEMBAR10mo ago
How’s your zoopedia going
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Unknown User9mo ago
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I think they're still working on it They may have stopped working on it but idk
SEMBAR9mo ago
I think they stopped it hasn’t changed
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SEMBAR9mo ago
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
@AJ Nebula are you still doing this project?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
@S3MBAC @Yorapocalyptic @Zarcos Apologizes for not seeing your posts sooner. @BrutusisaDog Thanks for the @
Valkyrja9mo ago
s3mbac, yorapocalyptic, zarcos949, and brutusisadog received a thank you carrot!
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Np! Hope you are doing well 🙂
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Thank you, have been feeling guilty about this I wish I had good news. Just got bad medical news right after I started working on this. Then on Monday I was finally feeling better and got more bad medical news. It's not cancer but my depression is hitting hard. That being said I do have plans to continue to work on it. I'm glad to know it's helping others! I'm also still open to info suggestions being added
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
I'm sorry to hear that! I suffer from chronic conditions so I can empathise to a degree. Best wishes for you. Perhaps you could open it up for collaborative work so that other people could help contribute? Just a thought, I understand if you want to have more control over it for quality assurance though
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Thank you, it means that means a lot. I was considering that when I first started, unfortunately people would need to give me their emails and I'm unsure if they'd feel comfortable with that However if anyone here would like to contribute and feels comfortable giving me their email. Please feel free to DM me. I will ONLY use it so you can contribute
I thought about helping you with it but im not good with that type of stuff
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
That's fair! It is a thing that makes my brain happy (when I'm not depressed) but it's a weird brain happiness that I know not everyone enjoys.
I mean i tried to help a bit but it wasnt much
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
It was a lot of help! Especially since I get too in my head with photos While thinking about the photos, I was thinking about getting ones of babies and trying to get each of the color variants
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Gathering photos for that seems like something that the community could help with, people love to show off their rare animals. But it's also going to add a LOT more work I think 🤔
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ya I was thinking of asking the community. But yes a LOT of work, especially since the gallery part requires you to make it for each individual "post"
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
I know I've posted a couple rare exhibit animal colours to the wiki, my albino/leucistic boa for example (it has no special label but the mutation is visible)
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
The exhibit animals have color morphs?!
some do
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ooo that's neat, even if there isn't a special label
axolotls have like 4
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Yeah the bats (the first ones added, forgot name) also have an unlabeled albino morph Those are the two I've had that I remember in my zoos
fruit bat does
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
fire salamander does some snakes do igunas do
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Getting a full list of those would be pretty cool honestly but no pressure because getting pictures of all of the exhibit morphs sounds incredibly difficult
i have all types of axolotls in one of my zoos
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Okay I've been checked out of the game for awhile I didn't know we have fire salamanders
if you ever start working on the zoopedia again id be happy to help you with getting pictures for it
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ya the nice bit is that we can add and change whatever we want/need I added the sleep pattern thing, after I realized I wanted a nocturnal house I'll always appreciate the help!
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Id be happy to help collect pictures too if you're interested, just ping me when you have some instructions so I don't forget haha Oh I've also seen a document floating around that might help you... Let me dig around in the servers I'm in
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Yes please! Adding the info is the easy bit for me. The pictures are the hard part
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Steam Community :: Guide :: Planet Zoo: Colourmorph, image list.
Planet Zoo animals may have different skin colors or mutations that alter them (albino, melanistic, piebald...) This is an image guide that shows you all their different appearances. The images in the
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
😭 Perfect!!!
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
This is an older post so it's not up to date but it covers a lot of the base game and stuff
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
I don't fully trust the official wiki sometimes
this is my favorite one all the others are discontinued
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Yeah same, that's why having pictures would be so awesome lol cause it's proof of the morph
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
RIP!!! Exactly! There was other info (can't remember what) that was incorrect I use the wiki for the dlc and regions. I'm not about to hand type 10+ different countries for a single animal
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Fair haha! I don't know if this would be hard or not to implement but I also would love to be able to sort the animals by the general animal family they belong (mammals, reptiles, avian, marsupial, etc)
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ooo yes!!!
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
The upcoming community challenge is to breed lots of gold reptiles, so having a feature like that would be handy in these cases
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Any "could we sort animals this way" is very easy to implement
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Sweet! In that case a few other handy filters to add could be - max group size - space requirements of a breeding pair/group (that might be more complicated?) -confidence/shyness with guests -safe/able to Interact with guests -temperature ranges
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Have added all those
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Oh okay, sorry for the redundancy then!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
No worries! Ya some of that info is only for the A animals
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Also i dont want to overwhelm you with work in any way so just want to make it clear that there's no obligation to take my suggestions lol 😝
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Though I am trying to figure out how best to display the space requirement in meters, feet and the other measurement Oddly enough it's helping me want to get back into it!
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
I just enjoy helping people brainstorm on their projects 😄
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
That being said no matter what I want to try and not work on anything until after next week This is my last week of class. So I think that's also why dealing with two medal diagnosis has been a struggle Your amazing! Brain storming is the HARDEST part for me. I wish you played the sims 4
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Is it possible to set a toggle or something for that? I personally use square metres and celcius for the measurements but I'm sure there's people out there who prefer to use freedom units xD
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
I'm going to try that. As someone who grew up with freedom units, I hate them XD
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
I actually have played some of the Sims 4! But I'm not good at building haha and I never bought any dlc so I didn't have much to do it seemed
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ah dang! I also make cc and mods and having someone to brainstorm with would be wonderful
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
That is stressful, hang in there. You've got this! 🫂
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Thanks! Luckily I don't HAVE to pass the class, but the instructor is so kind I feel obligated to pass
Valkyrja9mo ago
brutusisadog received a thank you carrot!
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
I had no idea there is a weird thing with changing to imperial units! I used imperial units during the beta, than have used meters since. In your game, what do you use imperial units for?
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ahh that makes sense! Hmm maybe that's what I need to try 🤔 my exhibits always end up too large. Jealous that your able ro visualize large areas. I'm lucky if I can visualize more than a few inches 😅 and I've used a tape measure for as long as I can remember
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Too large is honestly nice tho, at least compared to making the habitat too small lol It's a pain in the butt to set something up only to discover that there's not enough space for all the animals I'm trying to add
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Fair enough! Oh I didn't know guests are willing to walk further to get better views. I just wish I could get full green comments, with guests, on all exhibits, even the yellow comments bug me
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
So like how the pangolin is beyond small, a wolf is mid sized and an elephant is huge? (Not the best examples of mid sized and big, I'm just a wee bit tired)
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Maybe you could use the average animal height or weight stats as a way to make that filter?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Oh so like if an animal is 3 ft and 1 lbs. It would be classified as small. A 5 ft and 100 lbs animal would be medium, and 10 ft 1000 lbs animal is large?
BrutusisaDog9mo ago
Seems like the best way to determine what's "big" or "extra big" to me ^^ Alternatively, would it be possible to use two sliders with a filter? For example, I can sort the trade center in the game to only show my animals with fertility of 80% or higher If sliders arent hard to implement, we could use two of them to say: "show me all animals that are 0.1 - 1 Meters tall and 10-60 KG"
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
Comments, questions and suggestions can be given anywhere on the site, as long you’re in full page view. The comments button is at the top right corner to the left of the three dots
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
So when you go to the site and click on the animals you'll see filters. You can add filters (I think, idk what viewers can do vs what I can do) You can then choose as many filters as you want
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Unfortunately there isn't a slider option. These are the properties I'm able to add
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Okay I'm back to working on this. But I need thoughts on more land, swimming ect requirements. I was going to make an add-on for animals that are/ can be solitary. But then I thought of the animals who need a single buddy. I don't want to make this too complicated but I also want to make this as useful as possible
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Yaya, I'm still in shock at how many people are using this
Tanooki_Leaf9mo ago
Will you add stuff like herding on/off, follows mother/father and etc?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
I could, I'm just not sure how I'd be able to do it easily. Kind of wish I knew how to look into the coding for each animal
Tanooki_Leaf9mo ago
ima send you stuff later
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Kk, sounds good!
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
I knew there was a new filter wanting to be added! Thanks for the reminder
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Is the species list somewhere in the file data, or on zoopedia?
Tanooki_Leaf9mo ago
There is like animal groups in game files but its about animations and models Like deer group include most ungulates Peccaries include tapirs, pigs, peccaries, etc.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Okay, so for that info it would be best to google?
Tanooki_Leaf9mo ago
You can just look in ovldata Nothing needed Like ovldata > Content > Animals
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
KK 🤔
Will you be starting the b animals soon?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Depends on how quickly I can get the new info up for the A animals, ie sleep patterns, re work the land/ water ect requirements, add the classifications Okay I have added DlC. Habitat vs exhibit. Conversation status. Continents. Regions. Biomes. Sleep patterns. Color morphs. Color patterns (dark red vs light red). Deep swimming habits. Min population. Max population. Desired gender ratio. Dominate sex. Max female singles. Max male singles. Max males in mixed. Max females in mixed. Can climb. Can deep dive. Can juveniles deep dive. Can swim. Can juveniles swim. Possible fighting. Humidity. Mating pair rules. Mating system. Maturation. Tempature. Can herd. Form pack. Follow mother. Follow father. Follow keeper. Different sleeping areas. Dislike rain. Dislike snow. Inter species compatibility. Land, climb, swim, deep swim requirements for mixed, male & fem Max & min exhibits. Taxonomy
jeez im exhausted from just reading all of that
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Are there any other categories I should add. Also for the land, climb, deep swim and swim requirements. How should I calculate the addition of juveniles, especially given the mixed numbers of juveniles Ya it's a lot. Luckily Tanooki Leaf showed me how to access the file data Also why I added more info, like unique sleeping areas
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ya was just going to ask about the calculator, I know the space requirement changes based on the number of juveniles You reminded me I forgot to include number of offspring
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Ooo I should be able to include that, would make parts of my zoopedia moot But when I first wrote down the max land space requirement, I included the maximum number of juviniles.
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Initially I didn't. In my first zoopedia, the max land space requirement included the max juveniles. But the male and female max land space only had the max of the given gender. I do include the minium space requirements, now. But I also did not think to include the juveniles. Right now there are a total of 16 space requirements. One for min, one for max, then one for min fem, max fem, min male and max male populations All for land, climbing, deep diving and swiming @Bubatz I was trying to add the aardvark animal group (taxonomy) and got stuck. Google gives something that I think is too much for planet zoo
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Oh crap, I'm blown away by the level of detail. Would animal feeding costs and appeal ratings be something everyone here would want to see? I was also considering adding appeal based on location
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Sounds good! Maybe digging through the files will help me finally understand the appeal stats
Tanooki_Leaf9mo ago
1 min
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP9mo ago
Could everyone check the Aardvark? I think I'm forgetting info but I can't remember. Also if something (ie humidity) doesn't apply to an animal it will be hidden eventually.
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Thank you! The only one that is almost complete is the Aardvark, I added so much new info that it was just easier to restart with the other animals.
Valkyrja8mo ago
aioi.yuu received a thank you carrot!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
With regards to the animal size the only thing I could readily find was this. Unfortunately it isn't SUPER clear
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Have an appointment in 15 minutes but I'd love to get feedback on some more info I found. I also want to include other info I found via the files
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Oh okay, perfect! So glad it's helping so many people! Once I'm done with the animals, there will be info about staff, guests certain buildings and I think transportation
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
@Pocchi This is something I found combing through files, that I want to include. I'm just unsure, how or what exactly it means. I do know animal rating changes depending on the location of the zoo. But then you also have animal interest percentages and the animal interest rating
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Right?! I have absolutely no idea what any of it means, but it's interesting Okay ya'll I'm stuck when it comes to adding the info for land, swimming, climbing, deep diving requirements. Particularly when it comes to including juveniles or groups with obnoxiously large numbers. Like the penguins
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Do you need references for how much space a large group needs? I have about 700 African penguins and can do the same for science with the other species
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
I was just going to use the in-game calculator. But I want to include the maximum and minimum requirements, mentioned above, for mixed genders, bachelor groups and bachelorette groups. I just don't know how to factor in the juveniles for each. Especially when there could be 1-4 juveniles per female,
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
This is what it will look like minus the numbers
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Ohh wait I remembered! The max versions were with max juveniles and the min was with no juveniles Okay Okay, I'm almost finished adding all data to the Aardvark through Alpine Goat. The aardvark, addax and african buffalo have the most complete data. Could everyone give me there thoughts? The space requirements in feet and the temperature requirements in celsius will be on the same line as the info already provided
I'm surprised ur still working on this
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Looks great to me!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Fair! Unfortunately when I set out to do something like this, my brain forbids me from actually playing the game until the thing is complete Thank you 😊
Valkyrja8mo ago
brutusisadog received a thank you carrot!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Posting this here so someone can remind me if need be. I need to check if the African buffalo has swimming requirements
I don't have the patience to do something like that
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Sometimes I wish I didn't. Would mean I could enjoy games, when I just want to play. But most of the time I love monotonous tasks where I can just zone out but be kept busy Okay the Aardvark through aldabra giant tortoise is done! My brain doesn't like the land, swim ect requirements. Even though that was the inital point of me making this😭
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
If it's making it harder to work on, I'd say just come back to it later You might be able to recruit help from some other people, too?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
I did that, then forgot how I got the numbers for some of the animals. Ya if anyone wants to help I'd be more then happy to let them!
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Id be willing to try and help out! I don't know how to dig around inside the game files, but I could open a sandbox zoo and take notes about their space requirements?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Yes please!
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Alright! Any specific information I should be collecting? Ill have a look at the finished one for reference
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Thank you 😭😭😭 Let me know if you need any explanations Also with the African wild dog. I did screw up the requirements with juveniles, aside from the mix info If anyone else would like to help. Comment with :PlanetZoo: for in-game animal info (continents, biomes, guest interaction, color patterns, maturation system, number of offspring) :PeacockSCREAM: For wiki info. (DLC, Regions) 🌐 For google info (sleep patterns) 🏝️ For space requirements in meters. 🌲For space requirements in feet. 🥶 tempature Requriements in Ferenhight 🥵 tempature Requriements in celsius And I know InsertGamer was getting photos. So if anyone else would like to send photos please don't hesitate
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Is there any way you know of to get the full "title" to display on mobile? I switched to desktop and it works if I hover over the name there, but can't do that on my phone
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
No, I hate it. I have brought it up with Notion Would you like access to notion itself? Or a drive folder?
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
I am worried about accidentally messing something up, I don't have any experience with this kind of thing lol
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Lol fair!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Here is the link to the drive folder then. Let me know if it doesn't work
Proton Drive
Securely store, share, and access your important files and photos. Anytime, anywhere.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
You don't have to use the document file I put in there
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
honestly, i dont even know what i'm supposed to do with this XD ill start taking notes on the land req's for animals tho
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Kk, no problem! I appreciate any and all help! Also can I give you credit in the main page of the zoopedia?
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Sure, if you want! Hm, I feel like I made a bad choice starting with African penguins lol
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
The penguins should be done, unless you want the max 500. But ya my brain melted when I got to them
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
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BrutusisaDog8mo ago
oh XD i'll just help with pictures then
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
YES!!! So cute!!! Which color pattern is the first one?
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
This is the brown mutation, adult and baby pic!
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
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AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Ah hell, the files lied to me, I didn't know there was a brown mutation
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
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BrutusisaDog8mo ago
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BrutusisaDog8mo ago
some normals too i think they just have this one mutation, i have about 500 in this pen so i can test the true limits of the space they need its going to be tricky though because if i open their relationship tab, having 500 penguins there always breaks the game lol
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Have at it! For them and other animals with 100+ populations. We could do what the guests prefer and what the animal prefers Oh gosh I bet 🤣
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Penguins at least are pretty unique because their poop does not register as unsanitary to the game, and they do not fight with each other. Making them unusually tolerant of crowding
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Also what messed me up with the African penguins in particular was they have two babies Ohhh interesting, ya my last experience with giant groups of animals were the flamingos
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Yeah, I think they do that every time as well. Its possible that they have just one if the fertility gene is low, but I've always seen twins
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
That's how fertility affects the animals?!
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
With animals that have "litters" I've noticed it affects the % likelihood of them getting pregnant when breeding, as well as the amount of babies born So like, a cheetah with 0% fertility still could have babies, but its going to take a few tries under ideal conditions, and they'll probably have one or two babies instead of the maximum possible 4 per litter
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Fascinating! I think the game files has that info, I just don't know how interpret it
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
I play a lot of franchise so I've picked up some of the games behaviour that way!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
That makes sense! When I get home, I'll have to see how you interpret the animal location interest rate I know the location matters for the guest interest rate. I'm just not sure how
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
Yeah that was new info to me, in regards to what you found about the zoo location affecting the appeal number No wonder people don't have a solid understanding of the appeal, it seems to be a combination of lots of factors
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Right?! And that isn't even considering the guest animal desire Oh one thing I want to test is the visibility distance I found
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
I don't think that Max population for the penguins is even reasonable to achieve but I want to get accurate information :SpyTec:
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
706 - 369 babies = 337 adults
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BrutusisaDog8mo ago
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BrutusisaDog8mo ago
and for those 337 adults they need this much space, the babies are cutting into the total for land space but only adults use water so that number is consistent anything else i should grab for the penguins before i switch zoos?
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
you can get pictures from game tho but only icons not full body
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
heres all the enrichment you need to keep 700 of them satisfied on easy mode franchise
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Damnn Nothing I can think of, penguin wise
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
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No description
No description
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Which pictures?
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
just sent
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Where are those?!
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
did u install the tools? i forgot
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Cobra tools?
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
they look so crispy when i click on them, too bad we dont have more stuff like this as server emojis
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
cuz its enlarged original image
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
yeah ik why
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Ya I did, but I've only used the sdk (not at my computer)
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
they are meant to be small ok so use ovl tool go to dlc you want to take ui pics from path will be like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Planet Zoo\win64\ovldata\Content(put number here)\UI\Textures put ovl file in tool and extract what you need
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
Ohhh, when I get home I'll take a crack at it If anything it would be nice to get "here is what this color variant looks like"
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
wild water buffalo: albino juvi female
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
B... — Today at 10:29 AM wild water buffalo: albino juvi male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
wild water buffalo: albino adult female
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BrutusisaDog8mo ago
wild water buffalo: albino adult Male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
north island brown kiwi: "piebald - light brown and white pied soft feathers" (i call this one the low-white piebald, there is a couple variants in the game) adult female
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
north island brown kiwi: "piebald - dark brown and white pied soft feathers" (i call this one the low-white piebald, there is a couple variants in the game) adult male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
north island brown kiwi: "piebald - brown and white pied soft feathers" (i call this one the low-white piebald, there is a couple variants in the game) juvie female
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
north island brown kiwi: "leucistic - white soft feathers" adult male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
north island brown kiwi: "leucistic - white soft feathers" adult female
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
north island brown kiwi: "leucistic - white soft feathers" juvie female
No description
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
These are perfect, for showing the color patterns and morphs!!! Thank you so much!!!
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
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BrutusisaDog8mo ago
king penguin: melanistic female adult (left) and male adult (right)
Tanooki_Leaf8mo ago
ngl no offense but i think it can be made better using sandbox and more colourmorphs mod because you can adjust time of day and get right size of animals
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
king penguin: xanthic adult male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
i think its cooler to be made with real animals that exist in the game instead of spawned ones nothing stopping you from contributing if you think you can do it better tho
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
king penguin: leucistic adult male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
king penguin: xanthic juvie male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
king penguin: melanistic juvie male
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
No description
BrutusisaDog8mo ago
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP8mo ago
I'd forgotten how much penguins make me laugh 🤣 Thank you for doing this Brutusisa!
Unknown User
Unknown User8mo ago
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Valkyrja8mo ago
ajnebula received a thank you carrot!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Glad your finding it useful! So close to being done with the A animals🥳 Just 13 left 😭 Ignore the Lesser Antillean Iguana, in the animal files. The Lesser bit is ignored. Also heads up space requirements might be off, because math Oh and unless someone says otherwise. I'm just going to assume the color patterns will be in a state of fully complete and incomplete All animals who's name starts with an A. Have been completed!!! 😭🥳 Now onto the B animals. I'm going to try and work on this more consistently. Otherwise I'm going to finish when planet zoo 2 is released
Tanooki_Leaf7mo ago
but fr tho there is a lot of info
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Hehe was hoping someone would enjoy the joke!
i should check it out its been a bit since ive looked at it i think it might be buried
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Sooo much. The worst part are the space requirements. But there the reason I started this 🫠
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
Comments, questions and suggestions can be given anywhere on the site, as long you’re in full page view. The comments button is at the top right corner to the left of the three dots
BrutusisaDog7mo ago
Congratulations!! 🔥
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Thanks!!! Feels good to have it done, and even better to have a system to get the rest done.
Valkyrja7mo ago
brutusisadog received a thank you carrot!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Having the minimum and maximum populations in my face is already helping me with future zoo plans B animals are done!!! Now on to C animals
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Going to just keep re-linking this as I finish a letter group and move onto another.
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
Beyond thankful for InsertGamerTagHere and BrutusisaDog for helping to provide images. And to Tanooki_Leaf for providing help with file data.
Ooh You're going through this really fast Are you going to be doing the images later or something?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Ya I feel like it was pure luck I got through the B animals as fast as I did. But I'm starting to get a routine, when I'm working on it. Also realizing I can switch between meters and feet and the number of animals in the zoopedia calculator won't change is a huge game changer. For the images I'm doing those as I finish an animal, if you, BrutusisaDog or someone else takes them. If I take them, it will probably be only if/ when I remember... and when my brain let's me play the game again
Tanooki_Leaf7mo ago
🎉 congrats
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Thank you 😊
SEMBAR7mo ago
I just came back to see how this is going and your progress is amazing Good work
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Thanks 😊 That means a lot, feels like I'm taking too long
You still working on this?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Yep, going to keep working on it until it's finished
You should add if they have the ability to swim or not
Tanooki_Leaf7mo ago
There is
Tanooki_Leaf7mo ago
No description
No description
Oh Mb
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Ya unfortunately it's buried. But at least until I'm done I need the swimming and deep diving yes/ no requirements where they are. So when I'm filling out the space requirements I'm not mixing up the land w/ swimming ect requirements... have already done it a few times
Are you on c
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Yep Might not be able to work on it for a bit, my cat got hurt really badly yesterday and spent last night and today in the ER
I hope she gets better Or he
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
Same, given the extent of the injuries. The vet said he's doing really well. Has even been trying to purr even though he has a lot of chest brusing
What happened if you don't mind me asking
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP7mo ago
I didn't realize the door separating the cats and dogs didn't snap close. And my dog and sister's dog. Got my cat. I swear I teleported to him. Thank every Devine being my dad was home
Young dogs?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP6mo ago
Fairly young. 4 and 5 years old bouvier des Flanders and pit mix. Plus my min pin mix egging everyone on did not help. Normally she's okay/ afraid of the cats. But when she gets back up she looses all fear Just wanted to give you lot an update. My cat got his stitches removed Tuesday, and will be cone free Sunday ( if I can count properly, which I can't). However, my other cat Coco has been missing since Monday night and I live in the country lite, with coyotes and owls. I've searched the property, did my best to leave my own scent trail, left a can of wet food out, and as of today will be leaving the litter boxes outside as much as the weather will permit. This all means I'm just not emotionally able to work on the Zoopedia. I'm very sorry. I will return when I'm feeling better.
I hope you find your cat
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP6mo ago
Thank you, I keep telling myself that she's out there. Safe. Out of all 3 cats she has a higher chance survival , given that she was almost a feral cat when she showed up on my back porch years ago Coco came back! :JaguarBlack: 🥳:JaguarBlack: Took me forever to get her back inside. Her feral roots were unlocked. But she is safe, she doesn't appear injured, and looks like she was taking good care of herself. Now I go sleep, don't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP6mo ago
Still can't believe it
I almost forgot about this
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Fair! It's been awhile since I've worked on it. I'm still bound and determined to finish it. My grandma will be having knee surgery next week. So I should be able to work on it for the next two weeks. Since I don't want to have to go upstairs then back down every few hours
Have you been working on it at all the last month or so
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Here and there, but nothing significant. Also hasn't helped that I realized I missed the Barbarusa and am trying to find the file info on it
Do you still want pictures for it Because I'm bored and I feel like making a lot of backdrops for cool pics to get into pz again
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
I would absolutely love more photos! Provided there is some indication of what animal is what. I keep getting hoofstock mixed-up
I think the only one that I've made just for photos was the addax thing
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
I thought you also sent donkey and alpaca/ llama photos
Since I got a mod for more frequent variants I'll be able to do the variants too
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Ooo yay!!!
That was just from my old zoo I made something just for the addax
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Ahh! Also might bug you asking for variant clarification. Some of the animals (can't remember which right now) say the have an albino variant, under the animals.fbx file. But when I go to look up the color morph files. There isn't an albino version. Which is weird since each color morph has its own file
That shouldn't be that hard
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Thank you!
Is just special morphs fine or do you want like every color variation
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Hmm just the special morphs. I think those are rarer, so it would be nice to see what to look for
Alright I'll be able to do that in about 4 or so hours
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Probably more 4 and a half That's when schools over I'm hoping for no homework
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Ya no rush! Good luck with homework!
I'm just hoping to good on my test today Then next week I have mid terms
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Sending you luck and all the extra energy I can! Also dang midterms start early! Though that does seem better than. I think week before Thanksgiving midterms. Then 2nd week into December finals.
Yeah I'm not excited for finals
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5mo ago
Finals are always gross, good luck with those as well!
@AJ Nebula
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
@InsertGamerTagHere Your amazing!
I just had to look up the right word I thought it was custom for a bit
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Oh! I also just realized I was looking in the wrong area
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Was working on the zoopedia and realized I missed the barbarusa. But I can't find it in the file data, anyone know what other name it could be? Also found out today a close friend passed away. So working on the zoopedia might take another back seat. I'm sorry
Sorry for your loss but don't apologize for that Also wdym by file data like where
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Thank you, needed to hear that. Have been feel guilty about it. Then got hit real hard today. With modding tools you can view things about the animals via the game files. But I can't find the barbarusa. So I'm wondering if I missed an anniversary animal or if it could be called something else
Would you still want those pictures I'm slowly getting back into the game
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
I can help with pictures too ig
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Yes please, just make sure you write which animal it is and or if it's a special pattern. Ie king cheetah Could you also help me find the barbarusa in the animal.fnd files?
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
Not on pc rn but there must be updated combined fdbs in modding resources channel on modding server
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Okay, I was thinking it was a different name. I know the donkey for example comes up as standard donkey vs American standard donkey in the fdbs. But I'll check modding resources when I'm up to it/ not taking care of my grandma. Thank you!
Valkyrja4mo ago
tanooki_leaf received a thank you carrot!
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
I was thinking maybe the code name is NorthSulawesiBabirussa
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Ohhh, I'll have to look at that when I'm at my computer. Thanks For the exhibit animals I've already added info for. Could someone tell me which ones have color morphs. I know it's listed somewhere I just can't remember where/ how I found it
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
In exhibits.fdb there is info for that, iirc all basegame snakes, iguanas, american bullfrog, fruit bat, flying fox, monarch, salamander and maybe others have albinism colourmorph (number 0 in files) Axolotl is only one with multiple colourmorphs
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Thank you! I must have missed it when I last scrolled through the exhibit.fdb
Valkyrja4mo ago
tanooki_leaf received a thank you carrot!
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
Just type in search "colourmorph" Should show up It also says probability there
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Ohhh! Ya I've been debating on putting the probability, same with how some of the colourmorphs are only for male/ female It also frustrates me that the animal.fdb lists say the Ostrich as albino but the ova colourmorph data lists it as Leuistic: White feathers
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
Iirc albino gibbon is actually a melanistic one 😔 But to be fair ostrich colourmorph is leftovers from old versions
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
That! Why! I could see one or two animals, but it's been sooo many
Tanooki_Leaf4mo ago
When it was only albino colourmorph
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Oh that also explains why so many of the animals say they have the albino colourmorph but under the ova data they don't
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
Beyond thankful for InsertGamerTagHere and BrutusisaDog for helping to provide images. And to Tanooki_Leaf for providing help with file data.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Excluding the zookeeper pack animals, have to check my finances before I get it. I do want to wait until all the other animals are added though. Also need to add the African leopard's info but I need to figure out wheb my brain will let me.
Nice work looks great
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Thanks! Feels good to get another letter done. Can't wait until I'm done with G. In my head that's a quarter done.
I think G is jumping a little bit ahead
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Hehe just a bit, but it's something to hope for. R is going to be brutal
Lot of Rs?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Yep, granted I have my ui zoomed in so I can read the number for space requirements and tempatures. But it felt like I was just scrolling
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
A personal zoopedia that includes; color patterns, if an animal likes snow or rain, if an animal can follow their mother, father or keeper and much more. Nearly all information from the game’s zoopedia has also been included.Space requirements have been calculated for multiple population sizes.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
E is going to be great, short list and mostly exhibit animals so less math!
Damn you're really blazing through this now
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Ya I'm shocked. Getting a cold and isolating yesterday helped.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4mo ago
Yep yep good times
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
All E & F animals are done! However now I'm starting G which has 20 animals. Granted 11 are exhibit animals which doesn't have the headache of calculating space requirements
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
A personal zoopedia that includes; color patterns, if an animal likes snow or rain, if an animal can follow their mother, father or keeper and much more. Nearly all information from the game’s zoopedia has also been included. Space requirements have been calculated for multiple population sizes.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Oh also while mentioning space requirements if anyone has a way to more easily tell the difference between each one. Please let me know. I cannot expand the label side unfortunately
SEMBAR3mo ago
Damn you’re doing really good at this, you’re not giving up at all with this project!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Thanks! Nope it's partly because I've found it very soothing. (Will suck when it's done) and partly because my brain won't let me make a zoo until this is done
Nice work My brain would do the opposite I would've lost interest within a few days
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Thanks! I think I did while getting through the B animals. But when I got to C I got a rhythm so it got slightly easier
SEMBAR3mo ago
That’s exactly like me my brain won’t let me have 2 different zoos for me to build in it’s either I finish my first zoo or delete it then my brain will allow me to go to different projects
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
I feel seen! Also it's a double edge sword since your forced to finish something but then it becomes hard to finish the thing
SEMBAR3mo ago
Your not alone hahaha More for me it’s either I have to complete it or I just go eh I really don’t like how it is and I delete hours of work
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Ah I get that! Once in awhile with gaming and artwork that happens to me. It's interesting how we can pour hours into something and one day just not like it and delete it
Do you still need pictures
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Yes please!
I'll get to that probably during winter break Computers getting fixed and finals
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Ya no rush! Good luck with finals!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
I need to hand in my animal card. Had to name all the animals I could that started with A, on a time limit, and could only thing of 5.
What was the time limit
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Can't remember it felt like a minute. Also it was just animals in general. So you'd think for someone who has spent months writing animals name I would be able to name more then 5. Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates 🎄 Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates 🕎 Happy Kwanzaa to everyone who celebrates 🕯 Happy Wednesday to those who don't celebrate 🥳
SEMBAR3mo ago
Merry Christmas! Kinda showed up a bit late
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
You're fine! I'm often relieved when digital returned holiday wishes are late. I generally send them out, and then as soon as I hit enter, I realize how tired I am and hope nobody responds.
SEMBAR3mo ago
lol I feel you, I message someone then go, I hope they don’t respond I can’t be bothered dealing with them rn but end up doing it anyways hahaha
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Lol exactly! That's me perfectly! Also idk about you, but since I was the one to reach out I feel obligated to carry the conversation
SEMBAR3mo ago
Yea that’s true which is why I let the other person start the conversation so I don’t have to keep it going
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Love it when that happens!
SEMBAR3mo ago
Anyways how’s your zoopedia going?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Had to pause it temporarily. The holidays were busy. Then this happened to my laptop.
No description
WZI (Wesley)
WZI (Wesley)3mo ago
Rio Rip*
SEMBAR3mo ago
Oh no😢
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Yep, I mean my laptop is 10 years old, and I can be unintentionally rough on my electronics. But still it sucks. Currently researching if there is anything I can buy to help prevent it with my new charger The tips I found, I already do them. Unless the charging block drops from my night stand. So the cable get tugged. Or the cable accidentally get pinched. But I'll be more aware of that in the future
happy new year
WZI (Wesley)
WZI (Wesley)3mo ago
Same from Belgium 🇧🇪
SEMBAR3mo ago
Happy new year
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3mo ago
Happy New Year!!!
Charles_20242mo ago
tysm ur zoopedia has helped so much it would be better if it had pics of the color morphs tho
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2mo ago
Glad it's helping! That's what I keep forgetting!!!
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2mo ago
Okay Ya'll do you like the current method of quickly being able to see land, swimming ect requirements? Or do you like this new method. Of having to click the icon in the second image, and then seeing all land ect requirements to the side, even if they're blank.
No description
No description
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2mo ago
Also only have 3 more animals with G names before I'm done Being AuDHD is both a blessing and a curse working on this
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2mo ago
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
A personal zoopedia that includes; color patterns, if an animal likes snow or rain, if an animal can follow their mother, father or keeper and much more. Nearly all information from the game’s zoopedia has also been included. Space requirements have been calculated for multiple population sizes.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2mo ago
Can't wait until I get through the N animals. Then I'll finally feel like I've gotten to a halfway point
IrisRain2mo ago
Keep up the good work. This is looking really helpful.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2mo ago
Will do! I haven't really used it myself. But I'm hoping you could say sort by all the animals that are from south America and nocturnal
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP5w ago
Finished all animals H-J. There were so few animals in I and J that I didn't want to finished one then immediately notify everyone if I managed to finished J quickly.
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
A personal zoopedia that includes; color patterns, if an animal likes snow or rain, if an animal can follow their mother, father or keeper and much more. Nearly all information from the game’s zoopedia has also been included. Space requirements have been calculated for multiple population sizes.
Tanooki_Leaf5w ago
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP4w ago
Hey ya'll I think I found a good way to be able to read the space requirement labels. The Aardvark is updated. And I realized I really messed up the Addax space requirements, so I corrected them. This means I most likely won't be adding new animals until I've double checked the old animals. Made it to the African Penguin I also know I'm bad at math, but I have no clue how I screwed up the space requirements on so many animals
LALUTAKO 🌡3w ago
does this include like every DLC?
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3w ago
Excluding the zookeeper dlc, don't have it yet.
LALUTAKO 🌡3w ago
Ohh I see I see that's insane
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3w ago
Yep yep. Ya it's grown a lot. Dreading the S animals. Also just aheads up all animal space requirements after the African elephants might be slightly inaccurate. Have been slowly double checking them.
LALUTAKO 🌡3w ago
ahhh well thank you, this is very useful
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP3w ago
No problem! Glad it's helping others
Tanooki_Leaf2w ago
I forgot, do you need additional data from that pack? Or maybe UI
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2w ago
Both, but I also want to finish the animals I do have data and UI info for before starting them. Also had two family emergencies nearly back to back. And since last Thursday I haven't had a good night's sleep. So once again I'm unsure when I'll get back to this. Beyond tired of this curse I seem to be trapped under From last January to today. I've had 6 family emergencies and 3 major self medical diagnoses
Tanooki_Leaf2w ago
If you are tired dont do this Take your time fr
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2w ago
Ya I'm exhausted the last time I had a decent night sleep was last Wednesday. I've been taking naps throughout the day, but still. Thank you 🫂
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2d ago
AJ Nebula's Notion on Notion
Planet Zoo | Notion
A personal zoopedia that includes; color patterns, if an animal likes snow or rain, if an animal can follow their mother, father or keeper and much more. Nearly all information from the game’s zoopedia has also been included. Space requirements have been calculated for multiple population sizes.
AJ Nebula
AJ NebulaOP2d ago
Hoping I can finish this before the next dlc is released.

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