Outfit to match grey trainers?
Hey I just bought a new pair of light grey mens trainers (new balance) and I was wondering what casual outfit/colours go well with it? I don’t want to wear joggers or shorts, i want to wear preferably jeans or any casual trousers etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
10 Replies
Can you post a photo of the shoes? Maybe also a photo of the style of clothes that you usually wear?
Grey New Balances are super versatile. If they are plain grey they can go with just about anything.
I wear gray new balances a lot
here are a handful of examples

Also a bunch of examples of grey smeakers (mostly NB)
From my wardrobe
yeah theyre super versatile you can throw em on with pretty much any jeans or casual pants
few more fits, damn I wear these a lot lol

Hopefully the variety of fits above helps, they’re almost as versatile of a shoe as exists.
yeh true thank you very much everyone. I think I’m overthinking it a bit and just need to try fits until I find something I like
Absolutely. Try posting fit in #styling-suggestions for feedback