I have a problem with ssl certificate

Hi, I don't understand why I can't connect to my website
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11 Replies
Chaika10mo ago
usually means CF doesn't have a certificate to use for your site, which can be a number of things, including if you just set it up a bit ago. What's the domain?
Desactivated Account
Chaika10mo ago
If you go in the Cloudflare dashboard and into your website, under SSL/TLS -> Edge Certificates, do you see any Edge Certificates listed, or "No Certificates"? and at the bottom of the page under "Universal SSL", does it say "Enable" or "Disable" Universal SSL on the button? magic link: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/ssl-tls/edge-certificates
Desactivated Account
I do have a certificate
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Chaika10mo ago
it won't use the backup unless CF specifically told it to, that's only for special cases do you know if something happened with your domain where it was unresolvable for a bit, ex: dnssec issues, etc? looks like you set it up a bit ago well eitherway the thing I would do is disable universal ssl, wait a min or two, and re-enable, and after a bit you should see a Universal type certificate under Edge Certs (as pending/active)
Desactivated Account
It's been at least 2 months since I last touched this area. Ok let's try It's good Thank you
Chaika10mo ago
nice, somehow your universal got deleted, most likely cause I've seen is something breaks the renewal (ex: dnssec issues, something blocking _acme-challenge, etc), and the cert just gets dropped. Not sure what happened in your case, but I haven't seen many other reports recently so I assume it was something more specific/would only be concerned if it happens again
Desactivated Account
Doesn't it work for subdomains?
Chaika10mo ago
the universal covers first level subdomains yea
Desactivated Account
First level is example.example.com not en.exemple.exemple.com is that?
Chaika10mo ago
yes, levels are separated by ., en.exemple subdomain would be too deep for the universal to cover (its just how ssl wildcards work)

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