Hono10mo ago

Error: Missing Clerk Secret key

I'm using clerk with hono middleware to handle auth: https://clerk.com/changelog/2023-11-08 The code is really simple: import { clerkMiddleware, getAuth } from "@hono/clerk-auth"; import { serve } from "@hono/node-server"; import { Hono } from "hono"; const app = new Hono(); app.use(clerkMiddleware()); app.get("/", (c) => { try { const auth = getAuth(c); if (!auth?.userId) { return c.json({ message: "You are not logged in.", }); } return c.json({ message: "You are logged in!", userId: auth.userId, }); } catch (err) { return c.json({ message: JSON.stringify(err), }); } }); const port = 3000; console.log(Server is running on port ${port}); serve({ fetch: app.fetch, port, }); .env file CLERK_SECRET_KEY= CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY= DATABASE_URL= I'm getting this error: Server is running on port 3000 Error: Missing Clerk Secret key at C:\Users\840 G5\Desktop\projects\pfe\web-service\node_modules\@hono\clerk-auth\dist\index.cjs:42:13 at dispatch (C:\Users\840 G5\Desktop\projects\pfe\web-service\node_modules\hono\dist\cjs\compose.js:51:23) at C:\Users\840 G5\Desktop\projects\pfe\web-service\node_modules\hono\dist\cjs\compose.js:28:12 at C:\Users\840 G5\Desktop\projects\pfe\web-service\node_modules\hono\dist\cjs\hono-base.js:211:31 at Hono.dispatch (C:\Users\840 G5\Desktop\projects\pfe\web-service\node_modules\hono\dist\cjs\hono-base.js:221:7) at fetch (C:\Users\840 G5\Desktop\projects\pfe\web-service\node_modules\hono\dist\cjs\hono-base.js:224:17) at Server.<anonymous> (C:\Users\840 G5\Desktop\projects\pfe\web-service\node_modules\@hono\node-server\dist\index.js:430:13) at Server.emit (node:events:518:28) at Server.emit (node:domain:488:12) at parserOnIncoming (node:_http_server:1151:12)
Use Clerk with Hono middleware
Hono is a great minimal web framework for building applications across any edge runtime and now with Hono's middleware and our community SDK, you can secure it with Clerk.
2 Replies
Nico10mo ago
Looking at the middleware it appears you can pass them as the first two arguments
No description
Nico10mo ago
I’m not sure why the env adapter does not pick them up

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