Hi all!
Hi all!
I am using
in rls rules.
Would like to know whether I can use these two rls rules interchangeably?
if (ts_groups = "test_group") then true else false
if ("test_group" = ts_groups) then true else false
Basically, ts_groups and "test_group" are reversed. My understanding is that the latter rule is correct. But not sure whether the former rule achieves the same result or can cause any unexpected behaviors.
Thanks in advance!4 Replies
Can you provide a little more context as to how and where are you using it?
Thanks for the response!
I defined 'test_group' with a few users as ThoughtSpot group. I would like to define rls rules on the database table itself to allow read access only for those users in the 'test_group'.
From the docs I see the 2nd rule is correct. Can you use that only?
RLS rules
RLS rules define data security directly on ThoughtSpot table objects