Lottie Dynamic Text With JS?

Hey everyone, Does anyone have experience with swapping out text in personal Lottie animations? I've been trying to develop something for a source to be used in OBS, but unfortunately can't seem to figure out how to effectively target the text in the animation. I've been using a mix of Chat GPT, stuff mentioned by the developer of Body Movin, SVGenius and the docs on Lottiefiles. Yet can't seem to quite get it. If I manually update the JSON the text obviously changes. But just not with JS... Yet. Also to anyone who may have successfully done it. How do you normally prep the files? Like layer names, Lottie export settings, and any JSON modifications? I've seen one person name the layers, then manually insert variables in the JSON as an example. But they never showed how to execute it via JS after. Thanks in advance!
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