There's something wrong about this iso it cant install Here's the error text:
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4 Replies
HikariKnight10mo ago
If you had fedora installed before you will have to remove that folder from the /boot/efi, it is a bug in the anaconda installer and it fails if the folder already exists. NOTE: this is just guesswork for me if this is the case for you since anaconda is very good at not giving helpful errors when it fails at something. as that error you got can mean literally anything, all it says is "there was an error, good luck have fun"
LivingSoul10mo ago
Did you do the checksum?
Ayaya15OP10mo ago
I haven't done the checksum because i forgot the command for that i guess I'll redownload the iso again the installer is now working i just need to create /boot/efi because the other efi has a previous fedora
HikariKnight10mo ago
deleting the fedora folder would fix the issue (assuming youre not going to dual boot with a fedora system) its an anaconda issue so even fedora atomic is affected too

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