Bro the EC AWS cant download cloudflare tunnel please fix this all the console does is open and do nothing.

8 Replies
That's probably what I would expect. You need to run it with the command parameters to have the tunnel connect
idk what those are
its just an exe download
Yeah. The program is just a binary that runs. There is no CLI or GUI with it
Look at for configuring
Cloudflare Docs
Remotely-managed tunnel · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
If you created a Cloudflare Tunnel from the dashboard, the tunnel runs as a service on your OS.
I thought I just downloaded it then ran a command via terminal
on vsc and then done
wtf is all this and why did they change it
cloudflare tunneling got more complex for no reason
I mean there is as well
Cloudflare Docs
Run as a service on Windows · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
You can install cloudflared as a system service on Windows.
Alternatively, download the latest release directly:
Type 32-bit 64-bit
Executable Download Download
these legit dont work tho
thats legit what I show here
Have you configured the tunnel?