14 Replies
Note for OP
+solved @user
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the user who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.yoo wsp, ill try to solve ur doubt, gimme 2 min
Hi brooo no problem take. Your time
Um wht is ur doubt here? all you gotta do is just assume value of p, im in class 11 too and what book is this btw
assume value of p like p=1 then p=2 etc and write {1,6..}
whats the ans btw @Gaurav sorry for ping, just wanted to clarify if ur doubt is solved and my ans is right
is this from pearson
Hey bro actually it's my school book of ISC board (s chand mathematics)

Oh nvm he said factor, yes thats right, here hes asking wht all numbers are factors of the product.
Solution pls..
Will keep that in mind from next time
u must assign the value of p from 1
when p=1
2^(1-1) (2^1 - 1) gives you 1.
when p= 2
2^(2-1) (2^2-1)= 2(3)
which gives you 6.
And the list keeps on going.
so you can put {1,2,3.. } or {1,2..2(2^p-1)},2^2(2^p-1)
(here he has given 2^2 or 2^3 as any value you take for p, 2^(p-1) gives you the same number, like take 3 for example, 2^(p-1) it gives you 2^(3-1) which gives you 2^2 which u then multiply it with (2^p-1))
Hope this clears your doubt.
+solved @BroGotNoQuotes
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