Can't figure out how to promote a preview environment to production

This is silly but I can't figure this out. I'm in the Cloudflare dashboard and according to the docs there should be a way to either manually promote a preview environment to production or to add a git integration and neither of these options are in the UI.
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4 Replies
autumncicadaOP11mo ago
Builds & deployments does not exist
Chaika11mo ago
This is #workers-help , that looks like Pages docs. Workers don't have preview deployments or git integration
autumncicadaOP11mo ago
so im using full stack nextjs, that's still pages? ok ill move the question over there
Chaika11mo ago
When you create an app you pick Workers or Pages, and Pages can also be identified by their git integration/ci/cd and using Functions. nextjs on pages is either static or next-on-pages which would both just be Pages in normal deployments

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