Speeding up

Is there any way to speed up this process?
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14 Replies
MrEpikoOP11mo ago
My old registrar doesn't have an option to confirm it btw
Chaika11mo ago
you can speed it up by approving the transfer at your old registrar, and it'll happen much quicker. Otherwise have to wait for 5 days or so and it'll be approved automatically
MrEpikoOP11mo ago
And if my old registrar doesn't have an option to approve it, I'll have to wait?
Chaika11mo ago
most registrars do, espec the big name ones. I would double check to ensure it's actually not supported
MrEpikoOP11mo ago
I've been told this by their support
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Chaika11mo ago
well good thing you're transferring away from them it could also depend on the TLD as well (some cctlds have special rules, not 100% sure), but you can def approve and quick transfer com/net/orgs/generic ones
MrEpikoOP11mo ago
Yep, not even gonna talk about the fact I cannot add DS records on there So I have to wait out?
Chaika11mo ago
yea, can't do anything if the losing registrar doesn't push it through other then want it out as far as I know
MrEpikoOP11mo ago
okay, thanks
Beny11mo ago
The same happened to me somewhere, they were adamant that it could not be done quicker. I ended the chat, started a new one and got to a new person who pushed it through straight away. It's definitely possible for the registrar to push it through sooner, but they don't seem to like doing it.
MrEpikoOP11mo ago
Well this amazing service has only one person working right now, probably because of holidays
Andrew11mo ago
merp (Taiwan arc)
that is 100% false, here is the relevant RFC: "The client can approve the request using a <transfer> command with the value of the "op" attribute set to "approve"." https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3730#page-39 dunno of any TLDs that don't follow this rule however, they are not required to implement this feature iirc, but it does exist. pretty sure they are required to support DNSSEC as a condition of being given approval as a registrar though
MrEpikoOP11mo ago
Looks like that’s not a thing in my country

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