Why does the word wrap on firefox but not in chrome?

If you open this link in firefox, the text wraps, why? It doesnt happen on chrome https://play.tailwindcss.com/KBSFCQXRbi
Tailwind Play
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3 Replies
EIO11mo ago
Hmm.. this is a peculiar one. I have a THEORY: Firefox handles the sizing for 'text as flex children' differently from Chrome. From the little tests I did, Firefox measures the content size based on the 1rem measurement (16px), so once the text size goes beyond that, it breaks. But this is only when the image is a direct sibling of the texts and is set to fill the space available (width & height) For instance, a SOLUTION to this issue could be to set the width of the <img /> to fit its content also (w-fit). It works since its not filling all the space and messing up the calculations done by Firefox. Another solution is to put the text into a tag; maybe a <span /> and make sure its content doesn't wrap (whitespace-nowrap) This would keep it consistent across both browsers
lkoOP11mo ago
How did you came up with the theory? @EIO
EIO11mo ago
Well, if you put all the texts into tags, it reacts differently

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