mfad11mo ago

Need recommendations on what to buy

Hey guys, i am going to try to start dressing better soon, ive been wearing basically just tees, hoodies, and sweatpants forever but I want to start wearing cargos and jeans and specifically put more effort into what I wear, I came up with a list of what to buy, and i would like suggestions on what to replace or add GSHOCK DW5600 (currently have a regular casio watch) Some cargos and jeans (i am probably going to get them thrifted, im like size 34-38, not looking to get any skinny/slim jeans Some new tees (i lost some weight and i am smaller size than i was a year ago, went from xl to l, a lot of the shirts just have messed up collars too) Some new shoes (probably vans knu skool or dunks, would like suggestions, want something primarily black) A new windbreaker/hoodie (when the winter comes around, gonna want to get a hoodie that doesnt have huge logos on) Also going to want some brand suggestions, uniqlo, comes to mind overall, glidan comes to mind for tees, i may get some stussy tanktops and I want an arc teryx jacket but i probably wont get one cuz its very expensive.
41 Replies
jfarrell46811mo ago
cableOP11mo ago
ok u think somethinf cheaper than 1 $ would be thrifting also is glidan not a good option for blank tees?
Shrimp11mo ago
I’m not sure what you mean by this
cableOP11mo ago
im gonna try to go thrifting soon and just get whatever looks nice and fits me regardless of brand so if its a brand not listed their i wanna assume tis fine
Shrimp11mo ago
Brands there are only a starting point
cableOP11mo ago
Shrimp11mo ago
Depends solely on your budget
cableOP11mo ago
well i dont have an exact budget but id like to spend as little as possible
Shrimp11mo ago
I think knowing your budget might help us recommend more brands
cableOP11mo ago
i guess for shirts id wanna spend at most $25 excluding very specific shirts, pants like under $35 rn
Shrimp11mo ago
At that price point many people would recommend uniqlo U airism shirts A little higher and I’d recommend Los Angeles apparel heavyweight tees Pants under 35 is tough new, but you should be able to find lots while thrifting
cableOP11mo ago
yeah im gonna look for pants thrifting i do really want empyre and true religion i wanna wear like casual-streetwear type clothes
cableOP11mo ago
Fruit of the Loom Men's Eversoft Cotton Stay Tucked Crew T-Shirt
Fruit of the Loom men's crews work great alone or to add an extra layer under a button-down or polo shirt. This shirt eliminates ride-up, it stays neatly tucked so you can go about your busy day with confidence. They are designed to maintain comfort and softness even after many washes. The improv...
Shrimp11mo ago
You could get that, yeah
cableOP11mo ago
i already have tees i just want some new ones
Shrimp11mo ago
I guess lets step back for a minute What are you longer term goals for your wardrobe? How do you want to dress in the next year?
cableOP11mo ago
New clothes, a lot of my tees are too big/have messed up collars, want more pants than sweatpants and shorts, maybe wanna invest in some more expensive brands
cableOP11mo ago
Kinda like this
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cableOP11mo ago
I'm still gonna wear the sweatpants and shorts I have tho Something that's like both streetwear and casual
Shrimp11mo ago
Imo its best to start buying your wardrobe piece by piece. Find things you really like. Build a budget that you want to spend to refresh your wardrobe
cableOP11mo ago
Yeah that's what I thought of doing but I'm in the phase before that rn so I'm just looking at what I like Like I really like arc teryx but it's really expensive so I'll probably never get a jacket from them maybe a hoodie True religion too but that I can get 2ndhand
Shrimp11mo ago
Then you should be thinking of two things: finding inspiration from others and experimenting to find what you like and what feels good to you when you wear it Inspiration can be anything from noting what you see people wearing on the street to looking through inspiration albums or #waywt
cableOP11mo ago
Yeah I'm in the between of that rn
cableOP11mo ago
This is the stuff I saved on depop, probably not gonna get any of it
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No description
cableOP11mo ago
I can get alot of this stuff at thrift stores right
Shrimp11mo ago
There is lots of stuff like that at thrift stores, yes. Some of the nicer pieces or specific less mass produced brands may be harder to find Depending on where you live there may be some second hand stores that only sell nicer clothing, but you are also paying for that luxury
cableOP11mo ago
I know there's this place that basically buys that type of clothes and upsells them nearby not sure how much it costs There's like 3 Goodwill's that are all 30 minutes away so I'm probably gonna go to smaller thrift stores before any of those The beanies, jackets, hoodies etc I'm gonna wait til like September or October to get cuz it'll be colder but I'll prob get from Uniqlo the hoodies, maybe Uniqlo for a jacket/parka and I might already have a Carhartt beanie but if not then arc teryx I really like their beanie For shirts I'll probably just get the generic 6 pack and whatever I can find at thrifts For pants I'll start off at a thrift store cuz $70 for a pair of jeans is too damn much rn @Shrimp(2) I'll prob be able to thrift in 2 days I'm just like not 100% sure how it's gonna go I'm gonna go to 2 stores but I'm pretty sure both are small and they never responded to my email asking if they carry cargos and jeans in my size
zeometer11mo ago
you'll never be 100% sure of how thrifting goes (by which i mean at goodwill or salvation army or value village or stores similar) because it depends on what people donate
cableOP11mo ago
Yeah The places I'm going to are probably much smaller
zeometer11mo ago
the best thing you can do is have an idea of what you want and a budget and stick to it; don't be afraid to say no to something if it's not in good condition or not fitting well or not the style you want. there's several guides to thrifting in #fashion-guides about how to shop secondhand, and those give a good framework on what to look for in general
cableOP11mo ago
But they probably have atleast a little of what I'm liking for
kyn11mo ago
You can get secondhand dickies on sites like eBay in that price range (<$35)
kyn11mo ago
Repeating that you should look at the guides to gain insight into how to start building and shopping got a new wardrobe
cableOP11mo ago
Ok But yeah I'll get whatever jeans/cargos/tees from the thrift store, some blank glidan tees, and a gshock for now And in the winter I'll get a new hoodie as some I've mine I've had for years and they have big ass logos on them which is ugly Tbh I don't wanna follow an exact style, I want to wear what I like taking from other styles, but it's primarily streetwear
carrion11mo ago
so your personal style is going to be you taking things that you like from a variety of sources and putting it on. Style doesn't mean "follow a guide and only wear these things" or "only wear -core stuff" The best thing you can do is curate an album of fits you really love, and buy things that match the vibe. You can also bring those pics here and ask us to give you recommendations on brands/places to look for similar items.
cableOP11mo ago
Yeah I've realized that, but like I said before u buy and try stuff u really like it's kinda awkward atleast for ne Btw I don't really have a budget cuz my family has the money for decent clothes (not designer) but I don't wanna spend a lot on it right away
zeometer11mo ago
to your larger question on "what else should i get" that depends on your life - what would you wear to school or to work or if you had to go somewhere fancy? without knowing your life i can't really say 'buy [x] or don't buy [y]' especially since it sounds like you have some idea of what you like already. if you're going the route of thrift, especially post weight loss, probably the best things you can do is get inspiration (as others have said), try stuff on to get an idea of sizing and actually putting outfits together to see how you feel in this newer style #fashion-guides has articles on fit and outfit building, but you can and should also use #questions-and-advice or #styling-suggestions as needed; that can help you find what to buy and why in the future

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