Custom Houses Client Side Mods
Hi there. After reading the recent April 20th 2024 announcement about the client side mods policy after the vote on the deactivation of Pure Mode. Myself and others had a few questions specifically about the use of custom add on houses and re-skinned interiors used in the Chill and Drift lobby. NOT in the PvP lobby.
Myself and others, including a few randoms that I've seen throughout the Chill and Drift lobby use custom houses and re-skinned Interiors of existing buildings for photos in freecam mode, and chill out in after drifting (mostly talking about life and cars in prox voice chat).
After reading the recent policy update about client side mods we have a few concerns and questions. Namely that we really wish to avoid any bans coming our way as we really enjoy playing on RSM.
We understand that the policy was written to give clear guidelines and warnings to those that use client side mods. However, it seems to us that policy was mostly written to be targeted at those who would use client-side mods in the PvP lobby and may abuse them.
But to us who spend most of our time in the Chill and Dift lobby, we would really like to know whether or not we'll be able to keep the custom houses and re-skinned Interiors that we have client side. Or if we will have to remove them entirely before playing again. Being that we only use these locations in the Chill and Drift lobby and based on what Nexx had said previously about custom houses being used in the Chill and Drift lobby (see photos), we had assumed it was alright so long as we don't use them in the PvP lobby which was made clear previously!
We would all like to know where we now stand when using those custom houses and re-skinned Interiors for photos EXCLUSIVELY in the Chill and Drift lobby ONLY. Or if we will have to remove them entirely now?
The custom houses and re-skinned interiors that we use DO NOT "alter the map in a way that would alter collisions in a significant way", some for example are small clubs on top of previously unused buildings that do not alter the collision or overall shape other than the just the roof for example. Others are houses that are in out of the way places that are not normally used. For example a small unused grassy patch up in the Vinewood Hills out of the way. An unused section of Beach near Chumash. A small little cabin/house up near Mount Gordo. And others are just reskins of previously existing structures which add an interior, for example Michaels psychiatrist's apartment off of Del Perro beach, or a small Stash House up in West Vinewood.
These are just a few examples of, again, completely harmless add-ons which we only use for photos and chilling out EXCLUSIVELY in the Drift and Chill lobby. And since this topic had already been previously covered once by Nexx. Pretty much saying it was alright so long as it didn't give us a PvP advantage (see photos). And again, we use these EXCLUSIVELY in the drift and chill lobby.
The reason for this support ticket post is only because those of us that do use these add-ons didn't feel like the new policy went into enough detail about exactly how we could or could not use these places in THAT lobby (non-PvP). It seems to us there shouldn't be an issue since boats, planes, helicopters, military vehicles, and all weapons cannot be used in the Chill and Drift lobby in the first place. Especially considering that there is no PVP of any kind in the Drift and Chill lobby, it didn't seem to make sense to those of us who spend 99% of our time in that lobby why it should be an issue.
I hope that there won't be an issue with these things being used EXCLUSIVELY in the Drift and Chill non PvP Lobby. And that if someone is abusing these kinds of mods, it'll be done on a person by person basis between both manual and automatic moderation in the PvP Sandbox lobby only. And not affect us non-PvP'er photo takers in the Drift and Chill lobby.
Sorry for the long read, we appreciate your time!

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