Does Argo really improve performance for CDN ?

I have a concern about this. My original server and cliens are both same region US. Because of Argo cost, If I use it with CDN for images and videos (very expensive), Anyone can help me to confirm it ? Thank you
3 Replies
hegdedarsh11mo ago
As your servers and primary user base are both in the U.S., the natural advantage of Argo might be less pronounced, especially if your content is mostly static and well-cached by Cloudflare’s CDN. The effectiveness of Argo increases as the complexity and distance involved in routing requests increase. Argo’s benefits are more about improving the delivery of dynamic content that can't be cached or needs frequent updating. For static content (images, videos), ensure that you are leveraging Cloudflare’s caching capabilities to their fullest. This includes setting appropriate cache headers and utilizing Page Rules to optimize caching behavior you shouldnt be using argo at all
Chaika11mo ago
Argo gives you better inbound routing too (close to enterprise level), meaning you have access to more cf colos and such but that'll help mostly in asia pacific and such, probably not too much in the us and a def don't think I would use it on large files like images/videos, those don't sound too important for ttfb and such and would get expensive quick
TuanDotCOP11mo ago
Hi @hegdedarsh and @Chaika Thank you for your help. I appreciate

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