Have we got a solution yet for static

Have we got a solution yet for static pages requiring
export const runtime = 'edge'
export const runtime = 'edge'
no matter what? I have many pages which are static and I have to mark them as edge runtime and that produces functions for them and now my project won't upload saying it's over the limit
6 Replies
Dario•9mo ago
are you setting the edge runtime because you need a fallback behavior? (that's the only think that comes to mind when you say that we require static pages to use the edge runtime 🤔 )
MickOP•9mo ago
Hey @Dario if I don't have that line in any of my page.tsx files it won't build
MickOP•9mo ago
Example screenshots to help you troubleshoot form your end, I'm using Supabase Auth but this will happen on any page when that line above is commented out... if we can get this fixed and static, then a good 80% of my page.tsx would be static
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Dario•9mo ago
mh.... 😕 out of curiosity, is the OTPForm component a client one (with "use client")? besides that, do you have layouts that require server side logic by any chance? other than that I am not too too sure.... I'll have to investigate this 🤔
Dario•9mo ago
if you could provide a minimal reproduciton (and open a gh issue: https://github.com/cloudflare/next-on-pages/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&projects=&template=bug-report.yml&title=%5B%F0%9F%90%9B+Bug%5D%3A+) that would really be extremelly helpful 🙂
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MickOP•8mo ago
trying out the layout to see if that might be causing it, I had a call to Supabase to get the user for the top nav/search bar. I'll report back shortly No luck, it still fails the build if I remove the edge runtime line of code. I tried it on a single file with a wrapping layout that has no server functions at all. I was really hoping that would of fixed it.

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