Cant enter Steam-Gaming-Mode

It worked fine earlier today, and I don't what exactly caused it to stop working, but here is what I know so far: - I am using the -deck image, on my "htpc". If I have managed to update it in the right way, it should be the latest image. - The last two days, every time I wanted to switch back to gamemode from desktop-mode, (either via the "return-to-gamemode" shortcut, or by simply restarting), I get switched back to Steam Stable (despite using Steam Beta). - When booting up my computer, it shows the MSI-logo, then black, then the MSI-logo with the Bazzite Logo at the bottom. (as it usually does during a normal boot). Then I get to a black screen, where I am able to type and enter, but nothing happens when I type/press enter, and it removes my text a couple of times. Then it boots into Desktop Mode. - Clicking the "Return-to-gamemode" shortcut just throws me back into the desktop. Sometimes it hangs to, most likely to steam not having started up properly or something. - Earlier when I got a similar issue, I switched from Stable to Beta in steam, and rebooted. It seemed to work then, but it doesnt work this time. - Might be unrelated (as I have seen at least one other user in this server complaining about it), but the last couple of days has also met me with a white loadingscreen (instead of the usual black) before the boot-animation. But it is probably unrelated. If I need to provide any logs, specs or something, be sure to ping me, and I will try to provide the logs asap.
167 Replies
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
This issue on Github is similar. Someone mentioned switching to :testing:, so I'll try that now
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Gaming Mode doesn't work · Issue #1039 · ublue-os/bazzite
Describe the bug The System directly boot into desktop mode. The gaming mode button does not work properly. The screen flickers and Steam is shut down but then i'm send back right to desktop mo...
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Didnt work, seeing next to no difference between stable and testing... Rebasing to Stable
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Tried using sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/.gamescope, as suggested by kubepy in this, similar, ssue
Gaming mode doesn't work after upgrade · Issue #1025 · ublue-os/baz...
Describe the bug After upgrade that brought along fedora 40 gaming mode no longer works. KDE boots after system start up and icon "Go back to gaming mode" tries to open gaming mode and th...
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Didnt work either Gotta get some sleep, hope I can get a fix for this tomorrow... Still no idea on how to fix this Tried a Rollback, didn't work either At this point I think that it is something I have broke, and not an update. So I found these to issues: Seems like it may be an issue with gamescope. I'll try to run Rocket League with gamescope (only way I know of trying gamscope) to see if it works nvm, I havent added gamescope to rocket league, lemme try that... so Heroic says that gamescope isnt added to path, idk how to do that, so I guess I am kinda stuck again... Running gamescope in terminal gives this:
vkBasalt info: config file: /etc/vkBasalt.conf vkBasalt info: effects = cas vkBasalt info: reshadeTexturePath = /path/to/reshade-shaders/Textures vkBasalt info: reshadeIncludePath = /path/to/reshade-shaders/Shaders vkBasalt info: depthCapture = off vkBasalt info: toggleKey = Home vkBasalt info: enableOnLaunch = True vkBasalt info: casSharpness = 0.4 vkBasalt info: dlsSharpness = 0.5 vkBasalt info: dlsDenoise = 0.17 vkBasalt info: fxaaQualitySubpix = 0.75 vkBasalt info: fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold = 0.125 vkBasalt info: fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin = 0.0312 vkBasalt info: smaaEdgeDetection = luma vkBasalt info: smaaThreshold = 0.05 vkBasalt info: smaaMaxSearchSteps = 32 vkBasalt info: smaaMaxSearchStepsDiag = 16 vkBasalt info: smaaCornerRounding = 25 vkBasalt info: lutFile = /path/to/lut ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. vulkan: selecting physical device 'AMD Radeon RX 570 Series (RADV POLARIS10)': queue family 0 (general queue family 0) vulkan: physical device does not support DRM format modifiers wlserver: [backend/headless/backend.c:67] Creating headless backend xdg_backend: Seat name: vulkan: supported DRM formats for sampling usage: gamescope: types/wlr_linux_dmabuf_v1.c:532: feedback_compile: Assertion `table_len > 0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
Seems similar to the issue mentioned in the gamescope issue-page So the issue seems to be Gamescope. But since rollbacking didnt work, I guess I'll have to go even further back? How I will do that, I do not know, but I guess I'll just have to figure it out Trying to rebase back all the way to 40-stable-20240424 (the first f40 image) It worked!!! I guess i'll just stick to this release until the gamescope issues has been fixed... If anyone reads this, and remembers, please ping me when its fixed?
antheas11mo ago
hw info? thats new
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Sure, lemme find that real quick
antheas11mo ago
mobo, cpu, gpu sucks you rebased, would have been good to get a stacktrace could also be that you rawdogged gamescope and the error is different gamescope has like 20 params normally
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
CPU: Intel i5-11400F GPU: AMD RX 570 Motherboard: MSI B560 PRO-VDH WIFI I can rebase back if it helps with bug-fixing?
antheas11mo ago
would be nice of you or, how familiar are you with dev
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Sure, love helping out :) Ehn
antheas11mo ago
you can also compile gamescope a bunch of times and find the ver that broke
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Not very in dev, but I have used Linux for a long time Don't really know how to compile though
antheas11mo ago
original f40 used the old gamescope ver we had that was battletested tbh bazzite is missing quite a few packages for that so maybe not a good idea lets say it happened when the gamescope switched to 3.4.11 did you use the latest latest ver? because a couple days back there was the issue you mentioned
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Latest stable, yes
antheas11mo ago
well, new issue would be nice if you got a log although im not the one doing the gamescope patches @Kyle Gospo 570 crashes on latest gamescope
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Or at least I think so. Not quite sure if all the updates were added correctly (although they probably were)
antheas11mo ago
its one update, if it updated updated the white loading screen should be fixed not related
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
So, do I rebase to latest stable?
antheas11mo ago
if you still have it and its just a reboot yes please then grab the stacktrace from journalctl -b 0 | fpaste drop just the stack trace here because fpaste expires very fast drop the stacktrace from when you press jump to gamemode as running just the gamescope command on its own could crash for different reasons
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Using this command to rebase back to the latest stable: rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker:// is that right?
antheas11mo ago
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago From when I first started up the system after rebooting. From when I tried to launch gaming-mode This right?
antheas11mo ago
Process 6807 (gamescope-wl) of user 1000 dumped core. Paste theese stacktraces here using ` three times So they don't expire I'm on my phone Yes that's good you can rebase
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
How do I paste the stack-traces you needed?
antheas11mo ago
Using the symbol ` three times Then closing by doing the same I can't type it out it will turn into a code block
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
So I paste the entire log from both fpaste-outputs?
antheas11mo ago
No just the part with the crasb Denoted by
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
How do I know what part is the crash? (sorry for a probably dumb question)
antheas11mo ago
It doesn't let me paste lol Starts like this Ends like #4 0x00007f847b32b39c __clone3 ( + 0x11839c) ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Ah, ok, I'll see what I can find ;)
antheas11mo ago
Stack trace of thread 6903:
#0 0x00007f847b2ab144 __pthread_kill_implementation ( + 0x98144)
#1 0x00007f847b25365e raise ( + 0x4065e)
#2 0x00007f847b23b902 abort ( + 0x28902)
#3 0x0000561a8bb312e3 _ZN9gamescope11CDRMBackend7PresentEPK11FrameInfo_tb.cold (gamescope + 0x182e3)
#4 0x0000561a8bb69c0d _ZL9paint_allb.lto_priv.0 (gamescope + 0x50c0d)
#5 0x0000561a8bb7f004 _Z17steamcompmgr_mainiPPc (gamescope + 0x66004)
#6 0x0000561a8bb8044e _ZL21steamCompMgrThreadRuniPPc (gamescope + 0x6744e)
#7 0x00007f847b4e6594 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xe6594)
#8 0x00007f847b2a91b7 start_thread ( + 0x961b7)
#9 0x00007f847b32b39c __clone3 ( + 0x11839c)

Stack trace of thread 6903:
#0 0x00007f847b2ab144 __pthread_kill_implementation ( + 0x98144)
#1 0x00007f847b25365e raise ( + 0x4065e)
#2 0x00007f847b23b902 abort ( + 0x28902)
#3 0x0000561a8bb312e3 _ZN9gamescope11CDRMBackend7PresentEPK11FrameInfo_tb.cold (gamescope + 0x182e3)
#4 0x0000561a8bb69c0d _ZL9paint_allb.lto_priv.0 (gamescope + 0x50c0d)
#5 0x0000561a8bb7f004 _Z17steamcompmgr_mainiPPc (gamescope + 0x66004)
#6 0x0000561a8bb8044e _ZL21steamCompMgrThreadRuniPPc (gamescope + 0x6744e)
#7 0x00007f847b4e6594 execute_native_thread_routine ( + 0xe6594)
#8 0x00007f847b2a91b7 start_thread ( + 0x961b7)
#9 0x00007f847b32b39c __clone3 ( + 0x11839c)

Here's the important part
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Wait, so we have it now? Or is it still something I should find for you?
antheas11mo ago
Would be nice to have the whole thing But I can't paste from my phone In any case yes the logs are fine You can rebase back
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
Have rebased back Does it help if I post the logs here as .txt? Then at least they wouldn't expire? Or is that a bad idea?
antheas11mo ago
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
like that? Wait, does these logs conatin any "personal Details" or anything? Like IP-addresses or something? I would assume not, but one can never be to carefull...
antheas11mo ago
Your username, some basic hwinfo And some programs that ran I can clean it up later and keep the crashes
NotQfThisWorldOP11mo ago
ah, ok :) I am a wee bit of a paranoid lol
antheas11mo ago
It's ok
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Has this problem seen any fixes yet?
antheas10mo ago
Actually don't recall,
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I'll try the latest beta when I am at my computer next! I'll report back when I find something (good or bad) :)
antheas10mo ago
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Got a small amount of time before going to bed, and managed to try both :stable and :latest. Same issue persist. Also, the Ptyxis-terminal was broken, luckily I could still use the konsole. If you want any logs, I can rebase back to these later, but I am rebasing back to one of the working releases now before I go to bed... Another User with the same problem, graphics card from same generation:
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
So I took a look at this github issue: And it seems like it is just straight up Gamescope that's the issue. Something about the RX 570 (and 580 too ig) beeing to old to support drm-modules (which was added to gamescope in one of the newer updates). So, either gamescope needs to have a "legacy option", do their new stuff in another way, or I would have to just use the older version of gamescope. Any idea on how I can do the latter? Would it work, even if Bazzite updates? Would it break something (or itself) and will I loose important features?
types/wlr_linux_dmabuf_v1.c:526: feedback_compile: Assertion `table...
since update to 3.14.2 I'm facing this error every time I running something through gamescope, it crashes immediately. It worked fine with 3.13.16 Here is an example with vkcube: No CAP_SYS_NIC...
Pwnisher10mo ago
@NotQfThisWorld Bless you bro, Bazzite was rocking hard for me and just broke one day...I was absolutely LOVING my "spare parts" steam box with a good ole' RX 480... At least now I know why. Thanks again dude.
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Np dude, happy to help. Guess it's out gpu-huntin again?
Pwnisher10mo ago
Maybe, for now just going to be really bummed and play with my mister
antheas10mo ago
yeah bazzite updated gamescope last week and it was a major update before that it was the same as the one in november i think partial rewrite
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
You could always just rebase to a working release, it works for me atleast. The first f40 build works perfectly fine
Pwnisher10mo ago
ChimeraOS has been working as an altenative...but I guess since its gamescope, its just a matter of time for it too
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
So no hope then I guess?
antheas10mo ago
if it was up to me i would have also kept the previous gamescope you can always file an issue at that repo
BW10mo ago
I was a tad unlucky as I decided to build my younger brothers a steam machine with a 580, just last week Just disabled auto updates and rebased pre-gamescope upgrade
antheas10mo ago
fyi you can stay there for at least half a year as long as you dont format it maybe a year
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Btw, is there any way of using "old-gamescope" on "new-bazzite"?
antheas10mo ago
yeah.... if you want to hack around a bit
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I got no problem hacking... But how often would it break? Like every update?
antheas10mo ago
bazzite/spec_files/gamescope at 813763bdb794fd84767b52c0953eb923bc6...
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices - including your favorite handheld. - ublue-os/bazzite
antheas10mo ago
you just need to build this if you layer it it shouldnt break i want to say... you can always take the gamescope executable out, stick it somewhere and point your gamescope command to it if you do build it, im sure others would appreciate a link
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I'll probably take a look at it at some point, but in theory I have atleast half a year to get something together. I'll try to post a link if I manage to do it!
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
/usr/local/bin Will survive updates
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
So I install the old gamescope to /usr/local/bin, point the gamescopecommand to that, and that's it?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Hmm, I'll take a look at what I can manage to put together So, first I tried to install the "right" gamescope package (3.13.19), but I don't have a lot of experience with building/installing packages from git, so I didnt even manage to install it somewhere. So, then I tried my other idea, which was to follow the "Return-To-Gamemode" desktop-shortcut (in the "working" relase") to whatever command launching the actual gamescope-session. No luck here either, since I just found that most of the scripts and such directed to eachother in circles. And, since I am not very familiar in dev, I couldn't find out how to do this either. Sorry if both my methods seemed pretty stupid, it was the only two ways I could think of doing this... Any tips or suggestions on where to start if I was to actually achieve something?
antheas10mo ago
you need to build the exact spec file i sent because it has important patches then you can install it
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Ok, so something like Git clone "the link you sent" cd "gamescope" Sudo make gamescope? (Really simplified)
antheas10mo ago
i dont know how to clone a dir tbh @Kyle Gospo whats the command to build a repo after you build rpm-ostree install <yourpackage> and should work, should
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Getting late here, so I'll take a look at it tomorrow. Gn people (or whatever time it is in your area)
antheas10mo ago
good night
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Ok, so I'm really close to installing the specfile you sent me. What I did was that I cloned the entire bazzite-repository (from the link you sent), and went into /bazzite/spec_files/gamescope There I found the gamescope.spec file, and used rpmbuild -ba gamescope.spec to install it. (I had to install rpmbuild via rpm-ostree -install rpm-build, since all my distroboxes is gone for some weird reason) But, it only outputs error: Failed build dependencies and a long list of dependencies, and I don't know exactly why... Any ideas?
BW10mo ago
Did you install everything in build-requires?
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
What does that mean? I mean, like It should be installed on my system already, shouldn't it?
antheas10mo ago
May I suggest using something like distrobox gamescope has a lot of dependencies Or a little fedora thingy After you have the rpm you don't need any of that
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I'll take a look What distro should I use in distrobox?
antheas10mo ago
in fact let me put you out of your misery one sec i failed too
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I'm trying to set up a arch-distrobox now, using ujust distrobox, since boxbuddy is acting weird.
antheas10mo ago
fedora is what you need but rpmbuild cant find the sources for me and i dont know how to move them @Kyle Gospo how to compile a spec with the files in the same dir
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
hm, then I might have trouble getting anything done. Like, boxbuddy is empty, even though I had both an ubuntu, a fedora and an arch box a couple of weeks ago... and when I try to install a new one it only hangs for a long time before I just restart my computer
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
distrobox create --name gamescopebuild --image distrobox enter gamescopebuild download entire gamescope spec and sources spectool -g -R gamescope.spec
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
ok, will do in a sec
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
dnf builddep -y gamescope.spec rpmbuild -ba -vv gamescope.spec
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
creating distrobox now
antheas10mo ago
issues with topdir it tries to find the sources wherever unless -vv fixes that
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
you need stb.pc and all that stuff i ship make sure that's present what I sent should work
antheas10mo ago
yeah it says it cant find it exactly that file but i will indulge you, running the commands you sent minus -vv
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
This command outputs: error: %changelog entries must start with *
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
Empty out the changelog section of the spec Or, use git to download the spec
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Did that now, and spectool -g -R gamescope.spec outputs nothing now, does that mean that it succeeded?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
Yeah, continue
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
dnf builddep -y gamescope.spec outputs
Last metadata expiration check: 0:10:42 ago on Sun 12 May 2024 04:23:37 PM CEST.
Package git-2.45.0-1.fc40.x86_64 is already installed.
Problem: nothing provides requested (pkgconfig(wlroots) >= 0.18.0 with pkgconfig(wlroots) < 0.19.0)
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
Last metadata expiration check: 0:10:42 ago on Sun 12 May 2024 04:23:37 PM CEST.
Package git-2.45.0-1.fc40.x86_64 is already installed.
Problem: nothing provides requested (pkgconfig(wlroots) >= 0.18.0 with pkgconfig(wlroots) < 0.19.0)
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
added --skip-broken, and now its downloading something
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
Looks like you'll need to build wlroots too Skipping that is not going to work
antheas10mo ago
cp: cannot stat '/home/admin/rpmbuild/SOURCES/stb.pc': No such file or directory fix that then ill build it
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
Spec should have copied stb.pc from the spec file dir to there That's how it works on Copr too You can try doing it manually if that's breaking down
antheas10mo ago
fd bash -c "spectool -g -R gamescope.spec; sudo dnf builddep -y gamescope.spec; rpmbuild -ba gamescope.spec; cp -R ~/rpmbuild rpmbuild"
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
Show me the folder your spec is in
antheas10mo ago
❯ tree .
├── 0001-disable-steam-touch-click-atom.patch
├── add_720p_var.patch
├── amd_hdr.patch
├── chimeraos.patch
├── crashfix.patch
├── gamescope.spec
├── legion_go.patch
├── loki.patch
├── out
├── stb.pc
└── touch_gestures_env.patch

2 directories, 11 files
❯ tree .
├── 0001-disable-steam-touch-click-atom.patch
├── add_720p_var.patch
├── amd_hdr.patch
├── chimeraos.patch
├── crashfix.patch
├── gamescope.spec
├── legion_go.patch
├── loki.patch
├── out
├── stb.pc
└── touch_gestures_env.patch

2 directories, 11 files
❯ fd tree .
|-- 0001-disable-steam-touch-click-atom.patch
|-- add_720p_var.patch
|-- amd_hdr.patch
|-- chimeraos.patch
|-- crashfix.patch
|-- gamescope.spec
|-- legion_go.patch
|-- loki.patch
|-- out
|-- stb.pc
`-- touch_gestures_env.patch

2 directories, 11 files
❯ fd tree .
|-- 0001-disable-steam-touch-click-atom.patch
|-- add_720p_var.patch
|-- amd_hdr.patch
|-- chimeraos.patch
|-- crashfix.patch
|-- gamescope.spec
|-- legion_go.patch
|-- loki.patch
|-- out
|-- stb.pc
`-- touch_gestures_env.patch

2 directories, 11 files
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
That is weird
BW10mo ago
I copied everything from spec_files/{wlroots,gamescope} into ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ install deps for wlroots.spec build wlroots sudo dnf install ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/wlroots* edit gamescope.spec to change %global gamescope_tag to 3.13.19 and remove %changelog section install deps for gamescope.spec copy SPECS/stb.pc SOURCES/ copy SPECS/*.patch SOURCES build gamescope.spec <awaiting build result>
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Nice, seems like you have had a succesfull Journey so far. Crossing Fingers....
BW10mo ago
Clone bazzite to some dir. GIT_DIR git checkout f53fc0800425db43e821f3fc8c93706401cc6324 mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS} cd GIT_DIR/spec_files/wlroots/ cp wlroots.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ cp * ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ spectool -g -R wlroots.spec && sudo dnf builddep -y wlroots.spec rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/wlroots.spec sudo dnf install ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/wlroots-* cd GIT_DIR/spec_files/gamescope git checkout fb51b61bf49ffee80b249325b6f00f05cda0b044 cp gamescope.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ cp * ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ edit gamescope.spec
%global libliftoff_minver 0.4.1

%global _default_patch_fuzz 2
%global build_timestamp %(date +"%Y%m%d")
%global gamescope_tag 3.13.19

Name: gamescope
Version: 100.%{gamescope_tag}
Release: 1.bazzite
Summary: Micro-compositor for video games on Wayland

License: BSD

# Create stb.pc to satisfy dependency('stb')
Source1: stb.pc
Source2: chimeraos.patch
%global libliftoff_minver 0.4.1

%global _default_patch_fuzz 2
%global build_timestamp %(date +"%Y%m%d")
%global gamescope_tag 3.13.19

Name: gamescope
Version: 100.%{gamescope_tag}
Release: 1.bazzite
Summary: Micro-compositor for video games on Wayland

License: BSD

# Create stb.pc to satisfy dependency('stb')
Source1: stb.pc
Source2: chimeraos.patch
edit %prep
git clone --depth 1 --branch %{gamescope_tag}
cd gamescope
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir -p pkgconfig
cp %{SOURCE1} pkgconfig/stb.pc
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE2}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE3}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE4}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE5}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE6}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE7}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE8}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE9}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE10}

# Replace spirv-headers include with the system directory
sed -i 's^../thirdparty/SPIRV-Headers/include/spirv/^/usr/include/spirv/^' src/
git clone --depth 1 --branch %{gamescope_tag}
cd gamescope
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir -p pkgconfig
cp %{SOURCE1} pkgconfig/stb.pc
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE2}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE3}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE4}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE5}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE6}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE7}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE8}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE9}
patch -Np1 < %{SOURCE10}

# Replace spirv-headers include with the system directory
sed -i 's^../thirdparty/SPIRV-Headers/include/spirv/^/usr/include/spirv/^' src/
spectool -g -R gamescope.spec && sudo dnf builddep -y gamescope.spec rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/gamescope.spec <pin current deployment> rpm-ostree override replace ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/gamescope* --> On this step <rebase to stable & reboot> <--
ostree-image-signed:docker:// (index: 0)
Digest: sha256:f15f2dfeb61a526aab8a3e7c6072699e84e2eaca5c2932fb725ba778a243daef
Version: 40.20240517.0 (2024-05-17T17:08:59Z)
BaseCommit: ae1041d9ec2d99d6f408ec2e3722bdf9d7b4d76a5924b8c80cccaaa2d6329dcc
Commit: 019fa6b989ad6d8d87cfa64db33da245375272a6fbef8a8ae47ae40e89742515
├─ (2024-05-16T09:38:07Z)
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├─ (2024-02-20T12:07:53Z)
├─ fedora (2024-04-14T18:51:11Z)
├─ fedora-cisco-openh264 (2023-12-11T14:43:50Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free (2024-04-20T12:11:51Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free-updates (2024-05-16T20:58:05Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free-updates-testing (2024-05-16T20:58:57Z)
├─ updates (2024-05-18T01:08:37Z)
└─ updates-archive (2024-05-18T01:30:45Z)
Staged: yes
StateRoot: default
InactiveLocalOverrides: gamescope- gamescope-libs-
LayeredPackages: v4l-utils
ostree-image-signed:docker:// (index: 0)
Digest: sha256:f15f2dfeb61a526aab8a3e7c6072699e84e2eaca5c2932fb725ba778a243daef
Version: 40.20240517.0 (2024-05-17T17:08:59Z)
BaseCommit: ae1041d9ec2d99d6f408ec2e3722bdf9d7b4d76a5924b8c80cccaaa2d6329dcc
Commit: 019fa6b989ad6d8d87cfa64db33da245375272a6fbef8a8ae47ae40e89742515
├─ (2024-05-16T09:38:07Z)
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├─ (2024-05-10T10:16:28Z)
├─ (2024-02-20T12:07:53Z)
├─ fedora (2024-04-14T18:51:11Z)
├─ fedora-cisco-openh264 (2023-12-11T14:43:50Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free (2024-04-20T12:11:51Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free-updates (2024-05-16T20:58:05Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free-updates-testing (2024-05-16T20:58:57Z)
├─ updates (2024-05-18T01:08:37Z)
└─ updates-archive (2024-05-18T01:30:45Z)
Staged: yes
StateRoot: default
InactiveLocalOverrides: gamescope- gamescope-libs-
LayeredPackages: v4l-utils
Rebooting to see if I get gamescope up...
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Good luck 👍!
BW10mo ago
Might have forgotten to build rollback gamescope-session-plus and gamescope-session-steam too, as system tries to still pull in latest version of gamescope as well I'm going to put this on hold for a bit. Hopefully valve will release a new version fixing support for 580 before we can blink
4 hours ago
BW10mo ago
types/wlr_linux_dmabuf_v1.c:526: feedback_compile: Assertion `table...
since update to 3.14.2 I'm facing this error every time I running something through gamescope, it crashes immediately. It worked fine with 3.13.16 Here is an example with vkcube: No CAP_SYS_NIC...
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
So the gamescope people decided to fix it on their side?
BW10mo ago
Two users says the patch works for them (RX 560, RX 570) One does not. (With RX 480) from the commit
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
If that's been merged already I am just waiting on a tagged release
Ciprian10mo ago
I can't enter either now
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
What gpu?
Ciprian10mo ago
I'm on steam deck I just booted it up but it sends me to desktop mode
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Hmm, I don't know if it is connected to this in any way. Do you have the latest update?
Ciprian10mo ago
yeah, and I hit 'ujust update' a few mins ago and let it do its thing and restarted but when I did, it sent me back into desktop mode again
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I guess we'll have to wait and see if others encounter the same issue. For now, you could try to rebase back to get it working again.
Ciprian10mo ago
I'll try
Slow10mo ago
i have the same issue, rx580 I installed Bazzite a few minutes ago
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Yeah, that's the same issue that I had (rx570). Basically, our GPUs doesn't support a certain feature that Gamescope has. There is a fix in sight, (you can read about it in this thread), but for now, you should use this command: rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker:// This will take you back to the first stable 3.0.0 update, where gamescope still worked for gpus like the RX570. This might not be the first working release, but I didn't see the reason to try all of them...
Slow10mo ago
ok, thanks
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Np :)
Ciprian10mo ago
this did not work for me at all for some reason I still couldn't enter gaming mode no matter what like this did not happen after an update, it just happened when I restarted my deck while it was charging I don't know if it relates with anything that you guys experienced
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Yeah, I think it is unrelated to this issue. As you may have read, this issue only affects the desktop gpus from the RX500 series and lower. You should consider posting another thread with your particular issue, to make it more likely that you can get help. :) @Ciprian ^
Ciprian10mo ago
I'm gonna make one and see what's going on
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Hope you get it fixed ;) Latest Bazzite Beta still does not work for me. Is the patch included yet? So I did some reading on the gamescope thread for this issue, and it seems like the original fix didnt work. But, they added a new patch, that makes it work. By adding --backend=sdl to the gamescope command, it should work. and it actually did. I tried running gamescope vkcube first. Didnt work. Then I tried running gamescope vkcube --backend=sdl and that worked. So, how could we implement this to Bazzite and Gamemode?
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
No description
No description
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
Does that work when it's the compositor? Or only nested?
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I think what I have tried is only nested, but How can I try compositor?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
GitHub - ChimeraOS/gamescope-session: ChimeraOS session on Gamescop...
ChimeraOS session on Gamescope - Own personal repository, issues and forks should be made on ChimeraOS/gamescope-session - ChimeraOS/gamescope-session
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
GAMESCOPECMD= is the part you need can grab your current one from the log in your home dir
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
I'll take a look at next time I'm at my pc
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Running this command (found in .gamescope-cmd.log in my home folder) with --backend=sdl: /usr/bin/gamescope --max-scale 2 --adaptive-sync --hdr-enabled -e --xwayland-count 2 -O *,eDP-1 --default-touch-mode 4 --hide-cursor-delay 3000 --fade-out-duration 200 --cursor-scale-height 720 -R /run/user/1000/gamescope.VssiAMP/startup.socket -T /run/user/1000/gamescope.VssiAMP/stats.pipe --backend=sdl Outputs:
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
Nothing more happens
BW10mo ago
@NotQfThisWorld Can you try the following please?
GAMESCOPECMD="/usr/bin/gamescope --backend=sdl --max-scale 2 --adaptive-sync -e"
GAMESCOPECMD="/usr/bin/gamescope --backend=sdl --max-scale 2 --adaptive-sync -e"
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
/usr/bin/gamescope --backend=sdl --max-scale 2 --adaptive-sync -e outputs: /usr/bin/gamescope --backend=sdl --max-scale 2 --adaptive-sync -e vkBasalt info: config file: /etc/vkBasalt.conf vkBasalt info: effects = cas vkBasalt info: reshadeTexturePath = /path/to/reshade-shaders/Textures vkBasalt info: reshadeIncludePath = /path/to/reshade-shaders/Shaders vkBasalt info: depthCapture = off vkBasalt info: toggleKey = Home vkBasalt info: enableOnLaunch = True vkBasalt info: casSharpness = 0.4 vkBasalt info: dlsSharpness = 0.5 vkBasalt info: dlsDenoise = 0.17 vkBasalt info: fxaaQualitySubpix = 0.75 vkBasalt info: fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold = 0.125 vkBasalt info: fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin = 0.0312 vkBasalt info: smaaEdgeDetection = luma vkBasalt info: smaaThreshold = 0.05 vkBasalt info: smaaMaxSearchSteps = 32 vkBasalt info: smaaMaxSearchStepsDiag = 16 vkBasalt info: smaaCornerRounding = 25 vkBasalt info: lutFile = /path/to/lut ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. ATTENTION: default value of option vk_khr_present_wait overridden by environment. vulkan: selecting physical device 'AMD Radeon RX 570 Series (RADV POLARIS10)': queue family 0 (general queue family 0) vulkan: physical device does not support DRM format modifiers wlserver: [backend/headless/backend.c:67] Creating headless backend vulkan: supported DRM formats for sampling usage: vulkan: AR24 (0x34325241) vulkan: XR24 (0x34325258) vulkan: AB24 (0x34324241) vulkan: XB24 (0x34324258) vulkan: RG16 (0x36314752) vulkan: NV12 (0x3231564E) vulkan: AB4H (0x48344241) vulkan: XB4H (0x48344258) vulkan: AB48 (0x38344241) vulkan: XB48 (0x38344258) vulkan: AB30 (0x30334241) vulkan: XB30 (0x30334258) vulkan: AR30 (0x30335241) vulkan: XR30 (0x30335258) vulkan: Creating Gamescope nested swapchain with format 64 and colorspace 0 wlserver: Using explicit sync when available wlserver: Running compositor on wayland display 'gamescope-0' wlserver: [backend/headless/backend.c:17] Starting headless backend wlserver: Successfully initialized libei for input emulation! wlserver: [xwayland/server.c:107] Starting Xwayland on :1 The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86CameraAccessEnable > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86CameraAccessDisable > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86CameraAccessToggle > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86NextElement > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86PreviousElement > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86AutopilotEngageToggle > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86MarkWaypoint > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86Sos > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86NavChart > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86FishingChart > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86SingleRangeRadar > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86DualRangeRadar > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86RadarOverlay > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86TraditionalSonar > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86ClearvuSonar > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86SidevuSonar > Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86NavInfo Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server wlserver: [types/wlr_compositor.c:771] New wlr_surface 0x557431046ba0 (res 0x557431021700) wlserver: [xwayland/server.c:272] Xserver is ready pipewire: stream state changed: connecting pipewire: stream state changed: paused pipewire: stream available on node ID: 67 vblank: Using timerfd. vulkan: Creating Gamescope nested swapchain with format 64 and colorspace 0 pipewire: renegotiating stream params (size: 1728x972) I should probably use pastbin...
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
you can't use --backend=sdl in a gamescope session because the backend must be drm for it to be a session. That is for nested use cases
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
so it wont work at all then?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
hmm. So there is no solution yet?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
Just the one for surface modifiers valve made seemed to fix the problem for some
NotQfThisWorldOP10mo ago
And its in bazzite now?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo10mo ago
NotQfThisWorldOP9mo ago
hmm, that means it doesnt work then... Cause I still go straigth to desktopmode... Or is it something I do wrong? Sorry for reawakening an old post, but has this issue seen any progress yet? I saw this message in #bazzite-dev (, but I dont know if it is related at all. Is there anything I can help with to get a working solution? Saw this message ( in another issue similar to this, and decided to check out the testing-branch. And it works!!! (I'm sorry to once again be reawakening this post, but now it should be the last time 🎉) Or, at least it seemed so, but now my computer crashes each time I start a game... Don't yet know if it is related... But it didn't happen before the update So my mousepointer is invisible (like everywhere). Non steam-apps work, or at least youtube does (which is pretty much just brave with youtube) Subnautica came to the "warning-about-dizziness-screen", but crashed rigth after that And when I mean crashed, I mean like the computer seems to still be running, but the screen is black, no sound feedback from steam-menues, and my tv says 'no input' One time it just kinda restarted (showing the steam logo and a progressbar before the boot-animation), but the rest of the time I had to manually press the restart button. Ok, so I do not actually need to press restart it seems, guess I'm just impatient. It restarts each time, but with varying delay Ok, so I just went into desktop mode and got the message about keyboard and mouse not working at all in gamemode. Kinda sad, but anyways. Games do still not work as intended in gamemode though, although they work in desktopmode. I guess I'll go back to the previous working version for now, but be sure to let me know if I can be of any help again!
HikariKnight9mo ago
workaround prevents keyboard+mouse from working, when i was testing i couldnt find a game that would crash though 🤔 i sadly go on vacation in the next day or so, so i wont have a chance to do any more testing as i believe i am the only person with a polaris rig atm. can you give me a list of games that crash, maybe i have one i can test with when i am back from vacation on the 23rd? i will get you my steam gamelist so you can see if we have any games in commmon, would make it easier for me to test when i get back
NotQfThisWorldOP9mo ago
Sure So far, pretty much every game I have tried (exept non-steam ones). But the issue may be that I somehow is moving the mouse a little bit or something, maybe that's what causing it? Booting a game, not touching anything now
HikariKnight9mo ago
no idea, the fix for polaris cards is not the best and we are investigating a better solution
NotQfThisWorldOP9mo ago
Okay Booted subnautica, worked until the second I touched the rigth joystick
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo9mo ago
so close I'll open an issue about this
NotQfThisWorldOP9mo ago
So that seems to be a part of the problem
HikariKnight9mo ago
ok, well if you find one of my 452 games that we share and it crashes, note it here then i can test when i get home again, i still have an ssd with bazzite-deck:testing on it just for this testing usecase since my htpc has to be reinstalled due to a funny bug :clueless:
NotQfThisWorldOP9mo ago
I'll take a look, but it's midnight here, so I should probably get some sleep lol
HikariKnight9mo ago
midnight here too, im catching a bus in the morning
NotQfThisWorldOP9mo ago
I just made a list on my phone. These are the games that we have in common: Among Us: Works It Takes Two: Works Portal 2: Does Not Work Stardew Valley: works Brawlhalla: Works Portal: Does Not Work Capcom Arcade Stadium: Works Half Life: Works Lego The Hobbit: Works So it seems like most games do work. However, I found out that it is a bit random when the games crashes, since the first time I booted Portal it crashed the moment I touched the joystick, but the second time, when I waited until the menu, it worked until I selected a level... I should also add that I changed the proton-version the second time around for Portal, although I'm unsure if it affects anything
HikariKnight9mo ago
Gives me something to test with at least after vacation thanks!
NotQfThisWorldOP9mo ago
Np, have a great time on vacation!
HikariKnight9mo ago
Ty ty @Crush ask this guy for potential games to test, apparently Portal, subnautica and Portal 2 did not work so might be good tests to see if they work in our idea. was going to test on my card when i got home (RX 570)
Valerie9mo ago
I can test the portal games, don't think I own subnautica
HikariKnight9mo ago
was hoping you would own at least portal 😄
Valerie9mo ago
I love portal haha
HikariKnight9mo ago
Valerie9mo ago
Know how to get this stuff to show up?
No description
HikariKnight9mo ago
hmm let me see how it did it, i vaguely remember i got mangoapp working
Valerie9mo ago
Yeah I can't click advanced and why I move the performance overlay it clicks but no movement
HikariKnight9mo ago
will double check so i dont gaslight you nvm you had to MANGOHUD=1 huh nvm that doesnt work either, idk then 🤔 oh well if games at least work and it can be fullscreened i call it a win, can just make the scaling controllable by variables btw @Crush can you test if the steam keyboard works in with the workaround when you play around with it, i got reminded i forgot to test that as all i did fas navigation and some games (and i happen to not play any games other than warframe which requires keyboard input so i didnt think of it)

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