New PCB stopped working before finishing my build

Hi, ORDER #16408 here.! I just recieved my PCB, opened it tested it. And it worked. And by the end of the of filling the PCB with palte and switches (about less than an hour later), when replugging, no signal not recognized, can't type anything. This is the second time actually, because I recieved a 722 from the aftermarket and the PCB turned on first (RGB), then stopped working shortly after. I thought the PCB was defect so ordered a new one from Geon store. And now the same thing is happenning, so I wonder what is going on. Trying another cable, other ports, other keyboards with the same cable, another computer (laptop) and resetting (button below PCB) didn't help in both cases. Please help :).
Mel12d ago
Help Hey guys :), did I do something wrong? Where can I get PCB Support on a new PCB I just bought and received from Geon, which isn't working.
Pooh12d ago
Hello, Sorry for the late reply, but could you please let me know which PCB you used?
Mel11d ago
Hello! It's the 87H Hotswappable PCB
Pooh10d ago
@Gondolindrim Hello gondo Can you help me with this issue?
Gondolindrim10d ago
Classic case of static If two PCBs had the same issue Tried reflashing or removing switches?
Mel4d ago
hi sorry just saw this for some reason sorry how do i reflash exactly? if it's pressing the button below I have, but it didn't change anything, is there something to do after that? I tried installing firmware but never managed to find a guide that made it work and would you know what could cause static so i can remove the culprit is it normal that my pcb on my other keyboards do not stop working, is it because they are incased? I built the pcbs with the switches on my office table bare, so maybe that's a problem? never had the issue before though
Gondolindrim4d ago
There are plenty around, Geon website has one Idea is to "program it again" Im sorry Im on mobile at the airport so I cant get the links Several reasons why this can happen, static being one of them, cold and dry weather, wooden floors Can be a contributing factor\
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