400 error

Hi Thoughtspot team! I am new to ThoughtSpot, and I am trying to use the Create User API Endpoint in V2. I wen to the REST v2 playground, to Create User, and without making any changes to the body, tried it out. This is the response I got {"error":{"message":{"debug":"invalid json response body at https://localhost/callosum/v1/v2/users reason: Unexpected end of JSON input"}}} Link to page - https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/restV2-playground?apiResourceId=http%2Fapi-endpoints%2Fusers%2Fcreate-user Additionally, I have tried to make the call to my server, but I get a 400 Error. I am an admin, and I am able to get an access token. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
REST API v2.0 Playground
ThoughtSpot REST API v2.0 Playground
4 Replies
shikharTS11mo ago
Can you provide the input and the whole request you are trying to send? Looks like there might be something wrong with the request syntax.
AndyXWOP11mo ago
So I just opened the Thoughtspot restv2 playground for create users Link to page - https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/restV2-playground?apiResourceId=http%2Fapi-endpoints%2Fusers%2Fcreate-user I did not make any changes to the request body at all, I just hit the "TRY IT OUT" button. This is the Request input curl -X POST \ --url 'https://try-everywhere.thoughtspot.cloud/api/rest/2.0/users/create' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer ZGVtb19kZXZ1c2VyOkpITm9hWEp2TVNSVFNFRXRNalUySkRVd01EQXdNQ1F4ZFVWdVduQlJNRXRSYkRsb01HWkthMk4zZVRkM1BUMGtaelJDZVRkVllrTndhbFZVVjNoNGExSk9UelF2YXpoTFdrbGxUMjVhVjAxdGRsVmpNMWRrSzFwTFNUMA==' \ --data-raw '{ "name": "name6", "display_name": "display_name6", "email": "email0", "account_type": "LOCAL_USER", "account_status": "ACTIVE", "visibility": "SHARABLE", "notify_on_share": true, "show_onboarding_experience": true, "onboarding_experience_completed": false }' ^ all of this was directly copy pasted from the thoughtspot playground, I didn't change or write any of it.
ashish11mo ago
You wouldn't have user create permission on the above trial instance. The error does not give that information, which is a bug on our side and we are fixing it. --- As @shikharTS said, We should look into why you are getting 400 on your own server where you have admin.
AndyXWOP11mo ago
Thanks Ashish! Actually, on my own server, I am no longer getting the 400 error (even though I didn't change the code lol). My code is working now!

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