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13 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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the_nubOP11mo ago
how do i start with these kinds of questions?
Gamertug11mo ago
i think this question is from PNC basically if 3 variables are given u fix one variable and find pairs for other two then the variable u fixed , give it other values and try to find pairs
the_nubOP11mo ago
bro solution mei i don't think they used pnc
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Comrade Rock Astley
In 2a^2 + b^2 = 8c+7, you can use modulo of 8 We know 8c+7 mod 8 is 7
the_nubOP11mo ago
Comrade Rock Astley
use a = 8k+0/1/2...7 and b = 8l+0/1/2...7 Let's say a=8k+n1 and b=8l+n2 a^2 mod 8 is just n1^2 mod 8 Similarly b^2 mod 8 is just n2^2 mod 8 After that you'll have to check each combination to find which one gives 7
Gamertug11mo ago
the_nubOP11mo ago
and how would you do this? like putting in all possible remainders in the question?
Comrade Rock Astley
Yes, except you'll only need odd values of n2 Since 2n1^2 is even
the_nubOP11mo ago
oh okay, got the answer 👍 tysm +solved @Comrade Rock Astley
iTeachChem Helper
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