New Sheriff Skin concept
From SlugTerra it would have a reload or a Slug from the show and a finisher of a Slug named "burpy" flying and buring the killed player

16 Replies
I remember watching that. That got me so hard with nastalga
I remember watching the seasons like 5 times over and over and over
Would be an interesting skin design if it came out in game:)
But what about the other blasters as other gun skins?
I think the slugs would be more interesting
But to each their own
Finally, I knew slugterra fans existed
Gekko should have this
And it change his buddies to some of the slugs fr
Im being hit with nostalgia rn
It’s not on Netflix anymore 😭
Not that I had netflix
but is on yt
The concept is nice but it will be worth it if the knife is either BoonX2 Master or Wild Spectre VD
found this online kind of matches with slugterra theme this is how the op can be made

Gattling Omnishot Ultimate for odin
That looks so good 👌
i deadass thought this was from ratchet & clank on first glance
looks similar to ion operator
When I was little, I had the same one