/var/tmp/ full of 'container_images_storageXXXXX*
This keeps happening to me and I know what is happening. Basically I'll get a KDE notification about "You are running out of disk space", much like this GH repo [You are running out of disk space] (https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/2840). So I check /var/temp/ and its filled with loads of folders called:
, the X's being numbers. Each folder has three files: named "1", "2" and "3". After a while, maybe 20 mins, the files are removed by themselves somehow.107 Replies

There are about 400 of these folders
I'm assuming its related to some podman activity?
and it happened again

when I try to delete the folders, they just re-appear again..

Have u tried the ujust clean-system command?
It's probably trying to move the files to the trash folder and failing. What happens if you shift+delete the files?
Even if I do get to delete the files, they will come back after a while; like it did today.

I will now :)
So I did that yesterday, and cleaned out the tmp folder, but all the files are back again today :<
podman info
suggests one line saying "imageCopyTmpDir: /var/tmp", that must be it?
Is this from the distrobox i set up with boxboddy maybe?Yes
I have removed all distroboxes now, but the folders keep appearing :<

they fill up slowly but surely, until all of my SSD space has been eaten up
I really dont understand what is causing this, i really only use bazzite for browsing and gaming
check both toolbox and podman too (podman being the backend for toolbox and distrobox)
podman ps --all
also might be worth checking journalctl -xe
and see if there is any clues there
journalctl seems to be highly cluttered with some plasmashell issue im not familiar with what being either;
seems like another bug;^ https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=453876
huh, interesting i dont have that
since i last sent the screenshot of the container_images_storage, which is 15mins ago, there are now an addtional 6 new ones
they're really piling up fast
journalctl -xe ---follow | grep -v plasmashell
that should maybe make it a bit more readable (sadly removes colors though, but you shouldnt be spammed by plasmashell)
cant help much more since i am at workThats ok, but if I could have a hand with this later I'd greatly appriciate it, as I've been stuck with this problem for over a week now and cant seem to figure out the origin or a solution :<
there isnt really much else i can provide since thats the only other place i can think of looking.
it is an issue only you have and i have never seen it before and all i can guess is that there is something interacting with containers in some way that is misbehaving (steam, flatpak, podman/toolbox/distrobox/docker, etc)
But where do I go to get help with this if not here? This is too far out of my knowledge spectre in Linux. I did find this Github issue on what looks similar, but again; too far out of my comfort zone to say what it is.
Do I file an issue about this? herehttps://github.com/ublue-os/bluefin/issues
is it a bluefin issue or bazzite issue, if it is an issue in bluefin then start there if you use bazzite then it is here until we can figure out more whats causing it
one thing i would like you to try though is make a new user and check if this is a problem on a blank user too at this point 🤔
i always try a new user when there are weird issues that i cant explain as it helps narrow down the scope and worst case i make a new user and migrate data to it
oh my bad, I am on Bazzite indeed
I've set up a temporary systemd service to delete all the files in tmp, as I cant keep deleting them manually.
One dude on Lemmy is suggesting that this is a homebrew issue. So have remove brew now, will see if that changes anything.
Nope; folders keep appearing with brew removed.
using lsof gives this info, if that is to any help
If you run
podman ps
do you have any podman containers running?
Also iff you run podman system df
you can get an idea of how much space podman is usingyeah so something with podman causing the issues for you
Right so;
podman container ls
lists nothing
podman image ls
lists nothing
podman volume ls
does list 3 different volumes, first being; using podman inspect volume <id>
The two extra ones, look similar; let me know if you need them posted too
No idea what they are used for, can I safely remove them?
I'm assuming this isnt gonna help as I am now running a systemd service to delete them every 5minjournalctl -xe -t podman
might say what the hell is going on since we tracked it to podmancurrently not showing anything, but I did also just start the PC up. Do I have to give it some time maybe?
should I delete the podman volumes tho?
when you see the folders appear i would check the journal
there is already one that have appered, but logs dont show nuthin
i have no idea then, if the volumes are not important to you then you can delete them
other than one single line saying;
May 07 19:53:57 fedora podman[5637]: 2024-05-07 19:53:57.049252128 +0200 CEST m=+0.276989737 system refresh
I have not created the volumes myself, afaikremove them then
just deleted them, but saw another folder just appear after deleting them....

logs only showing that they were removed
ok i have no idea where else to find out anything
but if everything is removed now
rm -rf ~/.local/share/containers
last thing i would tryLike I ever only made 1 distrbox through boxbuddy, beside that I only play games and browse the web.
idk if you ever even tried a new account like i suggested to see if its limited to something in your homefolder
do I do this with sudo? loads of permission denieds on this one
yes, might be caused by some permission issues then maybe, i dont have any rootful distrobox containers so idk where those get placed, but removing that folder will reset everything i k now with podman at least (container wise)
im heading out in a few mins
they keep appearing after having ran this too :<
then i really do not know
try make a new user which i still dont know if you have tried
well yikes that was an experience... So I made a new account to test, as you said. However upon logging into the new account Plasma would crash every 30 seconds. Had to keep starting plasma via terminal. And yes; it keeps happening on the new users as well
uh plasma shouldnt crash on a new user

It was non stop, partial and full crashes (as in sometimes all apps would crash)
the second screenshot, that message is the same one as seen in that bug I posted about yesterday it seems.
i think your install has bigger issues than just the container folders tbh at this point
Great :)
journalctl -xe -t rpm-ostreed
last folder on there makes me think maybe look at that
but im grasping at straws atmok i have absolutely no idea then why you have this and nobody else
does podman ps show rootful containers without privilege
i would also add --external to the flags

i dont have any containers

not sure if the
ones are relevant to this case? but they have also appeared for a whileplease try
sudo podman ps
see if it gives you a different list
none whatsoever :<
I'm probably going to do a fresh wipe of my system with a new Bazzite install later today. As I cannot have my system in this state. Even now I canot drag files without KDE crashing on me.
best plan
Would have been nice to figure out what it was though
ran the cmd now, will see if it does anyhing
yepp still appears ;DDDD
don't run that with sudo whatever you do
crazy right
i didnt
yeah that's a bit concerning actually
i would run a fresh install and format the disk from scratch if you hadn't already
can't advise sharing disks for different purposes
interestingly; the folders now contain more files than usual

usually just 1,2 and 3
then maybe it actually has room to do something it needed to
Is it enough to format it when I install Bazzite again? ticking the box that says "remove partitions if necessary" tickbox?
it's kinda acting like it's trying to build an image and it can't because it hasn't got the disk space available
Its always had that tbf, I have a script to remove them every 5 min to not clogg my pc

i would probably manually delete the partitions that were already on the disk and then go back and let it auto-create them
well this is good data
not sure how to format the disk if im not in an OS
how did you install bazzite
so run the installer and when you get to the partition tool, delete the ones that already existed on the disk and then let it create new ones automatically, should be good enough provided it's an SSD
Oh okay yeah
found one with readable data

don't expect any of this to be meaningful
it just tells me it's actually doing something and not spamming nonsense
oh ok ok
backing up my stuff now;
also can you show us what
looks like
is a second ssd
does it look ok?yes i am kinda stumped by this one
i would maybe checksum the iso you downloaded
just to be sure you don't have broken install media
dont have that iso anymore, but ill checksum the one im downloading now
the button next to the download button has the image checksums
Hmm, that button doesnt do anything for me haha; just endlessly loads the browser tab
right click > save as?
save link as?
save link as should work
that just saves the url and in this case it's a hardlink to a file anyway
got it
just so I know for future refrence, what was wrong with the posted pic? How is it supposed to look like?

they are supposed to be identical
which they are
yeah, just wanted to confirm that I did as told 😅
if there is nothing else I can contribute with in terms of figuring out what the problem is, I think im just going to do a fresh install.
i am completely clueless on what else to provide since i cannot replicate
Yeah totally fair that, thanks a lot of the help nonetheless 🌻
np! i am sorry we could not figure it out
All good, thats how it is sometimes. I still enjoy Bazzite very much and will continue to use it :)
i would have loved to have a factory reset function working for atomic desktop but sadly it is very hard to implement
haha yeah that does sound like luxury! Soon done with my education and will have much more time to learn more of Linux, looking forwards to that.