mfad•11mo ago

Need help on dark theme for suit and dress shirt

Hi everyone! I got a commitment night coming up and needing a suit. Basically the theme was that we need to be on dark shades so it's automatically on black shirt as we can't go with white shirt. I just don'y know what color to pair with the black shirt as the suit should be on the dark side a s well.
14 Replies
aenwyOP•11mo ago
I couldn't find charcoal gray as well, like on the dark side that is closer to black, but I found some medium grays but I don't know whether it would fit on the theme itself So dark dress shirts are allowed, as long as both the shirt and suit are dark shades
zeometer•11mo ago
did they explicitly say "no white shirts"? it's been a fairly long time since attending a commitment night for me but the dress code iirc was on par with a conservative prom - dark suit, conservative color shirt and tie
jfarrell468•11mo ago
It pains me to say this, because I've worn this look, but dark dress shirts usually look bad. Not always, but it's hard to pull off.
OuiLoveCheese•11mo ago
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a commitment night?
aenwyOP•11mo ago
Not really, but looking at the theme and with the phrase "Strictly no lighter shades", white was out of the question and they gave examples which absolutely has no white shirts I knowww rightt Something like a ball before graduating high school So right now, I'm going with the look of a black suit and a lightly dark gray kind of dress shirt I just don't know whether they'd look good 😭 Also, it's some kind of semi formal so I didn't get a tie I'm unbuttoning the top buttons of my shirt
jfarrell468•11mo ago
What color is the suit? Can you post a pic? Or do you need to buy the suit as well?
aenwyOP•11mo ago
I got black suit Unfortunately I still can't take a picture on the black suit But I can take a picture on the dress shirt though
aenwyOP•11mo ago
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aenwyOP•11mo ago
Something like this but without a tie and darker gray on the dress shirt
jfarrell468•11mo ago
That seems OK, given the wacky dress code. That shirt seems like it's dark enough to comply with the dress code, but you could maybe go a little darker.
aenwyOP•11mo ago
Yeah I went a little darker So as of now, it's fine lmao
aenwyOP•11mo ago
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aenwyOP•11mo ago
This is my dress shirt
OuiLoveCheese•11mo ago
Never heard of this. You learn something new every day…

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