Someone accessing My site said they are blocked, and fave me their ray ID, but how do I. Check using their ray id?
8 Replies
Under Security -> events, you can filter

Ooo ok ty
If you are blocked by a website that uses Cloudflare, you need to contact the website owner to appeal or investigate the block. Cloudflare is configured by the site owner, and Cloudflare will not overwrite the configuration of any customer. Nobody in this Discord nor any Cloudflare employee will be able to help you. The site owner can investigate why you were blocked through your ray id.
Oh ok idk then
If you feel that a site is engaging in illegal or inappropriate activities, you can submit an abuse report at The Trust and Safety team will review the details and reply if appropriate. You can also report the site to your relevant local authorities. Reports cannot be filed via Discord or with individual employees or Champs.
OK idk command to show these
Ok ty