26 Replies
Note for OP
+solved @user
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the user who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.Honestly no idea where to even start with this
In the solution, They took Tr as coeff of x^r in expansion of (e^x + e^-x)/2
They said this with no explanation whatsoever
I can only think of generating functions, as they usually have terms like these, but other than that I have no idea
Another reason to hate aakaas solutions😔
video solution bhi bakwaas hai banda bas word to word bole jaa rha hai, shayad se usko bhi samajh nai aaya hoga
aakash ☕
bro aakash solutions are the worst lambe se lambe question ko bhi 5 line maximum mein khatam kar dete
akash probably worst coaching
@Xyphoes did you figure this out?
And keep discussions to the point please, the focus of the doubts section is to help each other with the thought process needed to figure out the solution.
Let us keep this constructive.
Nope :/ I gave up on this cause there's no point in doing it now with such little time left
ek baar lets try
@Apu any inputs?

(disclaimer, tried with gpt 4o free wala, just copy pasted there and asked for solution, does this help? @Xyphoes )
Nope, just gibberish XD
itna confidently
just classic chat gpt
Requires extra theory - exponential generating function
Comrade Rock Astley

I think the way to do this in the exam hall would be to observe that the solution involves 2^k (because of the options), and observe that nC0+nC1+..+nCn=2^n and work backwards from that
that's...really the only quick way to figure this out
(ping just in case)
Thanks, this seems atleast somewhat thinkable XD
+solved @Comrade Rock Astley
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