is down?

is down? getting the following error "JsonRpcProvider failed to detect network and cannot start up; retry in 1s (perhaps the URL is wrong or the node is not started)"
Web3 | Cloudflare
Cloudflare makes it simple to start building for Web3. Learn how Cloudflare Web3 Gateways can provide secure, reliable, and highly available access to IPFS and Ethereum networks.
2 Replies
Chaika11mo ago
chaik@ash:~$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","me thod":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["0x2244", true],"id":1}'
seems to be ok for me, using their example
Web3 | Cloudflare
Cloudflare makes it simple to start building for Web3. Learn how Cloudflare Web3 Gateways can provide secure, reliable, and highly available access to IPFS and Ethereum networks.
Chaika11mo ago
if you google that error "JsonRpcProvider failed to detect network and cannot start up; retry in 1s (perhaps the URL is wrong or the node is not started)" there's a ton of help information and such

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