firmware update issue
Steam buttons not working correctly after legion go controller firmware update.
38 Replies
The skinny menu on the right comes up only after restarting the system. But after i move up and down on the menu i get an error message and then none of the buttons do anything but open the legion menu by holding the button.

Your issue is one of your decky loader plugins
That's completely separate from us, try to disabling them until you figure out which one
If you're using the steam beta, stop
How do i do that? It was all working great till the recent firmware update
You do it from decky loader, the firmware update being the start of this for you is just a coincidence
These are plugins injected into the steam web application, completely separate from the OS
If you're unable to access it because of this bug you can remove them from The Homebrew folder in your home directory
I still have no idea how to do any of that....
I got all this working from following a video set of instructions im a total noob otherwise
go to desktop
open terminal
type | sh
It say command not found
my bad

curl -L | sh
missed the start
use the handheld daemon overlay by double pressing legion r
once you feel comfortable install decky again
Kay i think its Uninstalled
Im ready whats next
thats it
it dosnt need reinstalled?
its optional and nice to have
whats the line for it
sudo rm -rf ~/homebrew
then you can follow the alternative handheld readme for simpledecky tdp
or just dont use decky
sudo rm -rf ~/homebrew
only the black part pleaseso by backpart you mean just the -/homebrew
ooohhh i misread my bad lol then read this but all steps are optional
Universal Blue
Bazzite Handheld Wiki
Handheld Compatibility This does not include all of our confirmed supported handhelds currently because we lack specific information regarding their post-installation setup and workarounds for them. We took a similar approach to ProtonDB’s medal system, we give a label for each handheld that we support. = Indicates Bazzite supports the hardwa...
first make sure everything works
you can always double press legion R to control tdp and the controllers
I dont see the part continuing where we were in the link with this part in the article
Universal Blue
Bazzite Handheld Wiki
Handheld Compatibility This does not include all of our confirmed supported handhelds currently because we lack specific information regarding their post-installation setup and workarounds for them. We took a similar approach to ProtonDB’s medal system, we give a label for each handheld that we support. = Indicates Bazzite supports the hardwa...
@nickname anchors dont work?
hahaha not on discourse
yea they don't work
after you make sure everything works
you can follow the legion go section again
I am incredibly confused and lost now 😕
i apologize if you are
we uninstalled decky
i wrote this blindly
i don't have a handheld outside of the 64GB deck
that cant run bazzite
you can now make sure steam works
and if it does
Yes and im trying to figure out reinstalling it
reinstall decky and the plugins
but you dont need to
the legion go section has the commands for reinstalling
and since decky often breaks, you can omit installing it
Heeeeeeyyy its working now. Thanks