Bazzite Checksum
Is the Checksum for Bazzite Stable (GPD, KDE) from the website correct?
On the website it says the checksum (SHA-256) is: de9436dedd1d3050ea14d6bfdec6b14aee594846c2994ad2b5b7e57676d3770c bazzite-deck-stable.iso
after downloading and hashing it I get this:
6 Replies
I'm downloading the image now, I'll see if I get the same checksum as you or the one on the site
@duck I've downloaded the ISO and the SHA-256 key is matching what's on the site for me
huh guess my iso is just damaged, thank you
You are welcome. Hope you come right 🙂
sha256 hashes might change depending on the tool doing them
Hmm let me try gtkhash then. Looks like the sha256 is matching the expected hash from the site