How can I create a PKCS #12 file from a Origin Server Certificate?
I have a Origin Certificate for my website which works but I need a PKCS #12 cert file for my Plex Media Server which is currently not secured.
I sent a screenshot of my Plex Media Server Network configuration.
I tried it in the past but I am not the best when it comes to Certificates…
Thank you!

13 Replies
If you have openssl installed, you can use it to convert the key and cert to a pfx file with
openssl pkcs12 -inkey inkey.pem -in incert.pem -export -out out.pfx
key and cert can be created and download from the origin server tab under ssl/tlsokay I will try that. When I first tried I also used OpenSSL but I did something wrong.
okay so I have this out.pfx file now but what do I do with it?
upload it to your plex server and set the path

And the custom cert domain is my normal domain? Or also the subdomain I use for accessing plex?

the subdomain you use for accessing plex
I tried it now but I still get an unsecured connection

the encryption key is the export key I put in openssl right?
do you mean a certificate error?
what certificate is it presenting?
I set Secured Connection to required and it said " took too long to respond"
If I disable Required Secure Connection it just uses http
do you have port 443 forwarded? that might be a firewall
Yes, I have a website running on the same domain and server. The plex port 32400. When you open the website redirects you to The website works normal with https.
cloudflare only supports certain ports - you can't use an arbritrary one like 32400
oh that explains a lot... thanks