C#3mo ago
! 휘백

What is right rider blazor wasm hot reload profile?

"profiles": {
"BlazorWasmHotReload": {
"commandName": "Executable",
"executablePath": "dotnet",
"commandLineArgs": "watch run",
"workingDirectory": "$(ProjectDir)",
"launchBrowser": true,
"inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}",
"environmentVariables": {
"profiles": {
"BlazorWasmHotReload": {
"commandName": "Executable",
"executablePath": "dotnet",
"commandLineArgs": "watch run",
"workingDirectory": "$(ProjectDir)",
"launchBrowser": true,
"inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}",
"environmentVariables": {
I wrote profile like this. and ran. but the console said:
"profiles": {
"BlazorWasmHotReload": {
"commandName": "Executable",
"executablePath": "dotnet",
"commandLineArgs": "watch run",
"workingDirectory": "$(ProjectDir)",
"launchBrowser": true,
"inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}",
"environmentVariables": {
"profiles": {
"BlazorWasmHotReload": {
"commandName": "Executable",
"executablePath": "dotnet",
"commandLineArgs": "watch run",
"workingDirectory": "$(ProjectDir)",
"launchBrowser": true,
"inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}",
"environmentVariables": {
now, I want that profile work. but how to?
9 Replies
x0rld3mo ago
if you run that profile in cmd what happend ?
! 휘백
! 휘백3mo ago
how to? Oh, I find problem. in my projects, the "Components" is main project and another projects are ref that project. then when I use that profile, the IDE build only another projects. Now, I need find how to ref "Components" project at that profile.
x0rld3mo ago
you can add --launch-profile to dotnet run I guess that works with watch
! 휘백
! 휘백3mo ago
Oh It works thanks
x0rld3mo ago
MODiX3mo ago
Use the /close command to mark a forum thread as answered
! 휘백
! 휘백3mo ago
wait I found solution but it dosen't work on launchSettings.json how to set it on launchSettings.json?
x0rld3mo ago
you have to give a specific profile
! 휘백
! 휘백3mo ago
ok thanks
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