C#10mo ago
Brady Kelly

✅ Troubleshooting MAUI build errors

I have my MAUI project that gives me build errors and an equivalent example project that builds and runs fine on my Android device. I'm trying to determine what differs between the two projects, but apart from little things like names etc. I can't find any significant differences, yet only the example project builds. The same build error occurs twice in my project:
ApplicationGrid.xaml(10,18): Error XFC0000 XamlC: Cannot resolve type "clr-namespace:DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid;assembly=DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid:dxg:AdvancedColumnLayout.RowDefinitions".
ApplicationGrid.xaml(10,18): Error XFC0000 XamlC: Cannot resolve type "clr-namespace:DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid;assembly=DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid:dxg:AdvancedColumnLayout.RowDefinitions".
This error is logged once for an Android build and once for an iOS build. Each of these builds logs an obscenely long call to csc.exe. These calls start off like this:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe exec "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.204\Roslyn\bincore\csc.dll"
C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe exec "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.204\Roslyn\bincore\csc.dll"
One of my problems is these compiler commands have no less than 190 /reference parameters each. I am busy trying to use regex to break a command down into a string containing a list of references so I can compare these between project builds, but this is an extremely low level approach and progress is somewhat slower than I can actually bill time for.
1 Reply
Brady Kelly
Brady KellyOP10mo ago
I asked on StackOverflow and someone more observant than me pointed out that the build error referred to a clr-namespace with assembly=DevExpress.Maui.DataGrid:dxg:AdvancedColumnLayout.RowDefinitions. Note the erroneously included xmlns prefix :dxg: in the assembly name.

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