Help with DFA coding to reject and accept strings with two 0's and at most one 1's,

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> enum State { q00, q01, q02, q10, q11, q20, q21, ACCEPT }; enum State transition(enum State currentState, char input) { switch (currentState) { case q00: if (input == '0') return q10; if (input == '1') return q01; break; case q01: if (input == '0') return q02; break; case q02: // No transitions from q02 break; case q10: if (input == '0') return q20; if (input == '1') return q11; break; case q11: if (input == '0') return q21; if (input == '1') return q21; // Stay in q21 for any additional '1' break; case q20: if (input == '0') return ACCEPT; // Accept if another '0' is found if (input == '1') return q21; break; case q21: // No transitions from q21 break; default: break; } return currentState; } bool isAccepted(enum State currentState) { return currentState != ACCEPT && currentState != q20; } int main() { char input[100]; printf("Enter a string: "); fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin); if (input[strlen(input) - 1] == '\n') { input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0'; } enum State currentState = q00; for (int i = 0; input[i] != '\0'; i++) { currentState = transition(currentState, input[i]); } if (isAccepted(currentState)) { printf("String accepted.\n"); } else { printf("String rejected.\n"); } return 0; } That is my code, i am trying to get it to reject or accpet strings that have at least two 0's and at most one 1's. I am struggling as when i input 110, it accepts not reject.
5 Replies
leowest11mo ago
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Daniel Hawkins (Hawk0195)
oh is this wrong server??
leowest11mo ago
yep this is a c# server
Daniel Hawkins (Hawk0195)
oh ok thanks

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