Cloudflare captcha doesnt show
On any website that uses clouflare, it doesnt work, only shows a grey box.

14 Replies
Try different browser and such? Do you see any error in dev console (right click -> inspect element -> console or ctrl+shift+i)
I have tried 3 browsers
I will check for errors rn

doesn't look turnstile related
is there a specific website you are being challenged on?
Every website with cloud flair
I'm on a fresh windows install
So no apps interfering
haven't tried out other captchas
But on Google captchas demos they show up
Cloud flair just is a grey box
weird, should be some more errors then that I would think.
Does it work if you go to the demo page here:
or is it just the WAF's challenge like on which fail?

300030 is crashed, sounds like an extension or something interfering

the errors on the first site changed
i got no running extensions
the only thing i have done on this pc is change the processor serial number
What about another device
And why change serial number