Tailwind is not working on reactapp
hii guys can someone pls tell me whats the problem here Tailwind is showing this error and does not effecting my app
warn - No utility classes were detected in your source files. If this is unexpected, double-check the content option in your Tailwind CSS configuration.
my project github repo - https://github.com/om453/Cashify-Transaction-WebApp/tree/master/frontend
Cashify-Transaction-WebApp/frontend at master · om453/Cashify-Trans...
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3 Replies
Try to add pages to the content in tailwind.config.css
@Ghost_ is the issue resolved? The tailwind config seems fine. Incase you still have the issue; are you running vite outside the frontend folder? If so, you should try and first cd into the frontend folder then run vite
@Aoi @lko got it thank you guys issue solved just add pages and components in tailwind config file