C#3mo ago
Brady Kelly

✅ DataGrid Equivalent for MAUI

Is there a FOSS library that provides the equivalent of a DataGrid control for MAUI? I'm targeting just Android and iOS, and understand the issues there may ne with such a beast on the small screen, but I've looked high and low and only found one. When I tried to install the NuGet package I initially got an error from NuGet about a detected downgrade of Microsoft.Maui.Controls and Maui.Controls.Compatability from 8.20.0 to 8.0.7 (I think, I have just recreated my MAUI project and am not keen on reproducing the mess I made editing package reference versions up and down or deleting the packages folder. I need to show a list of license application line items with a few columns on a landing page. The user selects one and gets taken to a details page. Do I have to roll my own?
1 Reply
Brady Kelly
Brady Kelly3mo ago
I'm not affiliate and normally find their products overly complex, but I found DevExpress is offering MAUI and Xamrin suites free of charge to anyone who registers for free on their site. Until end of May. It's not FOSS, but it's F.