C#10mo ago
Brady Kelly

Automatic Assembly Versioning in .NET Core

Some googling turned up a great many disparate approaches to this, so I thought I'd turn to the experts here for suggestions. I want to set up automatic semantic versioning for a .NET 8 solution, preferably across any IDEs. I also want a simple, one project approach to give to a client do that any changes they make to a DAL DLL they provide me with reflect in a non-semantic version number. The minimum requirement here is that I can tell my local copy of the DAL apart from the 'live' but frequently changing one hosted on Azure. First, I would like a simply edit to .csproj or similar I can write instructions for to the owner of the DAL. Then I would like some guidance on setting up proper and automatic (far as possible) semantic versions to a solution across VS and Rider.
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