someone is hosting a minecraft: pocket edition server :hehe:
someone is hosting a minecraft: pocket edition server :hehe:
13 Replies
You could make 443 go to 25588 with origin rules though (of course, assuming this is just http traffic)
lol if it's not http traffic at all then none of the normal proxy stuff will work
Idk what I'm doing 🙏
would need Spectrum, and for that port/protocol Enterprise Spectrum would be needed
I'm a bit stupido 🙏
Seems like even knowing the attack wouldn't really be helpful in this case. Caching dynamic Things™️ is a big no-no
well it depends on how dynamic they are
well, it's a minecraft server status website. They are, theoretically, infinitely dynamic. However, I'm pretty sure the main place it's being "attacked" is
, which I could cache for longer- but it also doesn't impose much load on the server, so i'm not too worried about it
I'm comfortable caching for a few minutes, but 2 hours is a bit long.
(Especially the root document, it has some status information for Mojang's systems)I mean even for that you could just say "lookups are cached for 1 minute"
if it's going back to an origin too you could collect page analytics on the origin's side
If I could cache things for 1 minute, I would- but this kinda says i can't without a business plan
Yeah. Once I get promethus and grafana set up, I'll add a tower middleware to do so.
well you could do it locally
something like redis
would still make the attack less harmful/a lot less cheaper to serve from cache then do a tcp connection to a remote mc server everytime
Yeah, absolutely. Fortunately, I don't believe that that's the main point of... attack?