Workers: watermark images hosted on Cloudflare Images

We're trying to apply a watermark with a simple worker script. Code is taken from documentation. It seems that worker's fetch method completely ignores cf.image options. It just returns original image without any modification. It seems a lot of people have this problem. Is it even possible to apply a watermark to an image hosted on Cloudflare Images? Without this feature we would have to store twice the amount of images, and it's a no-go for us. Worker code for reference:
const WATERMARK = {
bottom: 5,
left: 5,
opacity: 0.8,
url: '',

addEventListener("fetch", event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
const url = new URL(request.url)
const image = url.searchParams.get("image")
if (!image) return new Response('Missing "image" value', { status: 400 })
if (image.startsWith('http')) return new Response('Provide imageId/variant in "image" value', { status: 400 })
if (!/(origin|thumb|list|x0grid|x1grid|x2grid)$/.test(image)) {
return new Response('Disallowed variant name', { status: 400 })

const imageURL = [CLOUDFLARE_IMAGES_PATH, image].join('/')

return fetch(imageURL, {
cf: {
image: {
draw: [WATERMARK],
const WATERMARK = {
bottom: 5,
left: 5,
opacity: 0.8,
url: '',

addEventListener("fetch", event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
const url = new URL(request.url)
const image = url.searchParams.get("image")
if (!image) return new Response('Missing "image" value', { status: 400 })
if (image.startsWith('http')) return new Response('Provide imageId/variant in "image" value', { status: 400 })
if (!/(origin|thumb|list|x0grid|x1grid|x2grid)$/.test(image)) {
return new Response('Disallowed variant name', { status: 400 })

const imageURL = [CLOUDFLARE_IMAGES_PATH, image].join('/')

return fetch(imageURL, {
cf: {
image: {
draw: [WATERMARK],
1 Reply
ceifa2mo ago
facing the same problem now you got it working?

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