C#β€’11mo ago

Need help with MAUI's XAML Pages

Hey guys! so I have created MAUI page but I used to run it only on windows. and it look good enough for my expectations But when I run it on Android I thought it would be responsive and shrink to fit android screen but instead something weird just appeared πŸ˜….
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56 Replies
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Here is how it looked on android how to make it a smaller version of windows
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.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Here is my code, I am new to MAUI and bad in front end developing so excuse me if you see a lot of strange things in the code πŸ˜….
leowestβ€’11mo ago
Android and windows are 2 complete different experience for UI My advice is make pages specific for windows and pages specific to Android Otherwise u will have to write all your XAML taking into consideration resizing and it would need to be able to morph as it reaches say tablet size , mobile size etc
leowestβ€’11mo ago
you can look at this example
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Got it I have another problem suddenly hot reload stopped working when I created new MAUI project it works on it, but the one that contain the pages above it doesn't work on it
leowestβ€’11mo ago
have u tried closing the emulator and running all again
leowestβ€’11mo ago
the above app, this is what it looks on each
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.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
leowestβ€’11mo ago
so it should give u an idea on how to work it out
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Perfect I'll give it a look
leowestβ€’11mo ago
is your xaml building properly?
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Yea it gives an error regarding hot reload lemme get it for you
leowestβ€’11mo ago
then I dont know sorry, hot reload only stops working for me if I do some complex xaml modification it can't follow up and after restarting the build it works again if there is an error that might help
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
it says CSS Hot Reload ignoring https://mk6lhkhk-7219.inc1.devtunnels.ms/swagger/swagger-ui.css because it was inaccessible or had more than 5000 rules. is it related?
leowestβ€’11mo ago
are you hosting blazor on maui?
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
leowestβ€’11mo ago
are you using a webview?
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
No, listview
leowestβ€’11mo ago
where is css coming from then... im confused if you're acessing an API u wouldn't get css
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
If i want to test Listview without getting data using api, should I create like a model view then create objects of the model and store them in a list ? cause when I created another MAUI project the hot reload is working there and I want to use it to start building the android page
leowestβ€’11mo ago
I think you're accessing the wrong api url that's why your getting swagger related files
leowestβ€’11mo ago
wrong url
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leowestβ€’11mo ago
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leowestβ€’11mo ago
right url if u have "swagger" in your api urls its wrong
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
when I run the project it lauches browser with swagger should I turn it off ?
leowestβ€’11mo ago
those page are just for you to via and test the api there is nothing wrong with that, that is just so u can visualize and test your api it also provides u with all the endpoints
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
nothing in my endpoints contains swagger
leowestβ€’11mo ago
can you show me some of the code where you do the httpclient to get the results?
leowestβ€’11mo ago
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leowestβ€’11mo ago
for example http://localhost:5213/WeatherForecast this would be my endpoint if you're looking at it from swagger
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago

_baseAddress = DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android ? "https://mk6lhkhk-7219.inc1.devtunnels.ms" : "https://mk6lhkhk-7219.inc1.devtunnels.ms";

_url = $"{_baseAddress}/api";

string requestUrl = $"{_url}/SalesOffice/offices-with-property-counts";

_baseAddress = DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android ? "https://mk6lhkhk-7219.inc1.devtunnels.ms" : "https://mk6lhkhk-7219.inc1.devtunnels.ms";

_url = $"{_baseAddress}/api";

string requestUrl = $"{_url}/SalesOffice/offices-with-property-counts";
I used _baseAddress this way before I use dev tunnels that why it exists
leowestβ€’11mo ago
that looks fine oh mmm could it be the authorization page?
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
I dont have an authorization page yet I guess I will just code the page in the project that has hot reload working after finishing I'll copy paste it in my project Thank you for you help, much appreciated πŸ™πŸΎ
leowestβ€’11mo ago
if u access https://mk6lhkhk-7219.inc1.devtunnels.ms in your browser does it pop something asking if u wantto continue but either way to answer your relevant question the API will give u json you would deserialize that JSON insto a class i.e.:
public class PointOfSales
//with the structure it has here
public class PointOfSales
//with the structure it has here
so you can certainly use that to populate your listview without relying on the api for testing
public class PointOfSales
public int Id { get; set; }

public string Name { get; set; }

public int AddressId { get; set; }

public int EmpId { get; set; }

public string? ManagerName { get; set; }

public int NumOfProperties { get; set; }
public class PointOfSales
public int Id { get; set; }

public string Name { get; set; }

public int AddressId { get; set; }

public int EmpId { get; set; }

public string? ManagerName { get; set; }

public int NumOfProperties { get; set; }
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Now no, but after I created the tunnel for the first time it did yes
leowestβ€’11mo ago
var result = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<PointOfSales>>(endpoint).ConfigureAwait(false);
var result = await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<PointOfSales>>(endpoint).ConfigureAwait(false);
so result would be a List<PointOfSales>
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
I see
leowestβ€’11mo ago
that is just a rough example
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
but could be like with out the class that contain httpClient
leowestβ€’11mo ago
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Like in the page.xaml.cs I just create objects and store them in a list without sending a request or something
leowestβ€’11mo ago
yes you can, u already have the class above you can simple create a List<PointOfSales> and fill it with dummy data
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
so it would be pointOfSales p = new PointOfSale (2, fdsfds, 2, 2, fdsf,) List<PointOfSales> p = new List<PointOfSales> List<PointOfSales>.add(p) then do Listview.ItemSource = p is this right?
leowestβ€’11mo ago
u cannot use p like that but yes something like that
var points = new List<PointOfSales>
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
Items = points;
var points = new List<PointOfSales>
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
new PointOfSales(2, "asdasd", 2, 2, "asdasd"),
Items = points;
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Yea yours is much betterπŸ˜… got it now, thank you again
leowestβ€’11mo ago
but this error is very strange and should not be happening on MAUI, it shouldn't be sending css files to u... np
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
idk, everytime I want to develop a MAUI page I just remeber that hot reload is not working and just stall. been a nightmare .. BTW do you have any suggestions on authenticating users using google?
leowestβ€’11mo ago
yeah that is a very weird error to happen since its not at all related to maui but your api
leowestβ€’11mo ago
Web Authenticator - .NET MAUI
Learn how to use the .NET MAUI IWebAuthenticator interface, which lets you start browser-based authentication flows, which listen for a callback to the app.
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Web Authenticator - .NET MAUI
Learn how to use the .NET MAUI IWebAuthenticator interface, which lets you start browser-based authentication flows, which listen for a callback to the app.
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
but it says its not working for windows ATM
leowestβ€’11mo ago
where? I never tried it on windows I only use MAUI for android and iOS ah I see but it says right under how to do it thou if that does not work then u would have to do it differently on windows then u would on mobile by starting a browser or something when it gives u the redirection url oauth is pretty confusing if its your first time doing it, I would worry about it when u get there
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
It is my first time .. and it already got my anxiety level very high πŸ˜… Felt a little proud of my self after doing MAUI and webAPI then after doing a little search on how google authenticating works and seeing how complicated it is, feels sad.
leowestβ€’11mo ago
its easy once u get it, but yes its complex because it uses your api as a callback, to reach out to google to get a url that ur app will launch for the use to safely auth to their page which then redirects back to your api with tokens and what not that u then need to redirect back into your app
.AbdulrahmanOPβ€’11mo ago
Turned out this error is not related to the MAUI project. I ran the webAPI alone without the MAUI project and it gave the error.

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