Slit in Waistband?
I recently purchased a new suit from suit supply. Very happy with it, buy I noticed a small slit on the back of the waistband. I couldn't find anything online about it, and it does seem to be intentional, but I figured I'd ask here about it before I take the time to head back to the store.
3 Replies
It's intentional. It provides a little more space so the top of the pants don't cut in, but I think it's mostly a carryover detail from traditional tailoring
Purpose of "Sartorial Waistband Split?"
I have seen this question posed before, but I have not seen anyone really answer it definitively enough for my satisfaction, so I'll ask again:
What is the purpose of the split in the back of the waistband that you see in many high-dollar trousers? (I've seen these on Incotex, Brioni, Barba...
Thanks guys