Smooth animation for website

Hello. Does anyone know how I can make a smooth animation when a section is clicked on the navigation bar. All of my content is on the home screen but it's split into different sections. So can you guys help me make it so when I click the option on the navigation bar, it make a nice scroll animation to that section
6 Replies
Zoë10mo ago
MDN Web Docs
scroll-behavior - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
The scroll-behavior CSS property sets the behavior for a scrolling box when scrolling is triggered by the navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs.
ΛG_OP10mo ago
Can I just add it to my body tag Cause the article just shows to add it where all your content is
Zoë10mo ago
You add it to the element with the scroll, that can be a body or anything else with overflow with scroll or auto or body
ΛG_OP10mo ago
it's not working
SvenSplynter10mo ago
Can you show us?
ΛG_OP10mo ago
I actually found out how to do it

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