Could someone please help me understand

Could someone please help me understand how to implement cookie consent on my site using Zaraz? I'm on this page and have no clue what to do
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6 Replies
Mackenly10mo ago
To use Zaraz Consent: - Make sure Enable Consent Management is checked. - Make sure Show Consent Modal is checked or you are manually showing the consent window. - Put a default and/or localized text in the Consent modal text textarea. - Add a new purpose with a name (such as Analytics) and description - Assign tools to purpose(s). This will require the purpose to be granted for the tool to run. - Save the settings You should be good. If not seeing it, bypass your ad blocker.
bradOP10mo ago
Thanks @Mackenly Jones . What if I have GA4 installed with GTM but want to connect that tool to cookie consent? I tested connecting it with Cloudflare and it double-counts all activity. Is there any way to connect it (or other tools) without firing user activity?
Mackenly10mo ago
You probably shouldn't be using Zaraz and GTM. Zaraz is a replacement for GTM. If you're loading GA4 in one, you don't need to load it in the other. Using the Zaraz Consent API you could probably use Zaraz's consent management with GTM, but that would involve a lot of custom javascript:
Cloudflare Docs
Consent API · Cloudflare Zaraz docs
The Consent API allows you to programmatically control all aspects of the Consent Management program. This includes managing the modal, the consent …
bradOP10mo ago
OK thanks. I suppose I'll look for an alternative. In the long-run, would it make more sense to set up a server-side container(?) with GTM via Cloudflare? (Have never done this before.) Or would I still have the same issue?
Mackenly10mo ago
I am not familiar enough with GTM's server-side stuff to have an opinion; however, I don't think there's any direct integration between Cloudflare and GTM. Personally, I would drop GTM completely and just use Zaraz.
bradOP10mo ago
Got it. Appreciate your help!

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