Carbocation stability
Shouldn't the answer for this one be 4? I was under the impression III had more stability than I because it's a 3° carbocation more i effect and more a-H etc than I

16 Replies
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1 has reso 3 is just inductive
1> 3 due to the same reason
2 unstable hai,vinyl carbocation
he got 4 , answer is 3
he is confused in 1 and 3
im pretty sure he got that
My b
what about alpha-hydrogen attached to C attached with C+?
resonance > hyperconjugation
Should be 4
Tert-butyl carbocation has 9 alpha hydrogens which dominates allylic carbocation (experimental)
think about a cation like this - an empty p orbital. then go figure where electrons could come from to stabilise this
oh damn , noted
Yeah should be 4
nothing beats resonance
unless there are cases like sterric hindrance, dancing reso, angle strain etc
got it thanks a ton guys!!!
+solved @!Nimay¡
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